So the 10 year vaccine development thing has always struck me as the most plausible thing an average person would worry about, but also one of the most easily explained. Let's start with the one chart that shows the normal process:
Now, there are two big reasons that they were able to accelerate the review process in COVID vaccine development.
1) Discovery Research (2-5 yrs) had already been done. So the biggest factor in cutting down the vaccine development time is that the discovery process for MRNA vaccines had been done for a long time. MRNA research goes back to the 70's, and using MRNA vaccines on respiratory illnesses had been explored for decades. So the technology was known, and the steps to developing a vax specific to Covid-19 were simplified as a result. That cuts as much as 5 years from the regular time table.
2) They stacked the clinical trials on top of each other. So open the spoiler and check the pre-clinical and clinical development steps and timelines. Each clinical trial watches for a different aspect of the vaccine "is it safe?" "does it activate immune response?" "does it protect against the disease?" are their own exclusive questions. You don't HAVE to test each out linearly, assuming you have enough researchers. The reason they're tested one at a time is to save money. If it's not safe, there's no need to pay researchers to see if it activates immune response, and so on.
But thanks to government funding, there was no worry about wasted money. So they tested for safety, immune response, and efficacy all at once. There weren't any steps skipped, they didn't change how each phase would be reviewed, they just spent the money to test everything at the same time. Additionally, they were able to trim the review times because the testing cohort was so large (again, this was mostly because money wasn't an issue).
So you erase the discovery part that takes 5 years, then you stack all the reviews and do them simultaneously. You've sped up the process without skipping any steps or cheating the process. All your left with is "regulatory review and approval" which has no relation to the safety reviews, and thus can be cut or rushed without anything to worry about for the people.
That's how a 10-year process can be cut down to about 1 year for the cohorts in most danger, and around 1 and a half for the rest of the populace. The 10-year process is a result of costs vs profits (MRNA development got shelved for a while because of lack of expected profitability btw). By subsidizing the costs, none of the profit risks existed and the vaccine was developed much more rapidly.
Disclaimer: This is me simplifying the process quite a bit, but I think it's pretty easy to follow as I've laid it out. Here's a bit more in-depth look:
Operation Warp Speed was a federal effort that supported multiple COVID-19 vaccine candidates to speed up development. We analyzed the program's...