An anti-abortion influencer insists she'll continue her high-risk ectopic pregnancy


Nov 1, 2015

An anti-abortion influencer insists she'll continue her high-risk ectopic pregnancy​

This won't end well.​

Oct 28, 2024



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Alex Gooding is one of those #TradWives who constantly posts about her ever-growing family. She has seven kids (“& 6 in heaven”). Her identity boils down to being a proud “Christian Mom of Many” under the Orthodox Christian Church umbrella.

Alex Gooding (screenshot via YouTube)

Her family is about to grow larger by one, with “Chloe Marie” on the way in a few months… but there’s a serious complication. Doctors have told her this is a Cesarean Scar Ectopic Pregnancy (CSEP), a rare condition in which the embryo implants inside the scar tissue left over from a previous C-section (as opposed to more common—but also dangerous—ectopic pregnancies which occur in the fallopian tubes).

What’s important to know is that these types of pregnancies are almost never viable. Without surgically or medically removing the embryo, a mother’s life is in serious danger, as one medical website noted:

The scar tissue is not as strong as the uterine wall and can tear and may result in hemorrhage. The placenta will grow in the wrong place, causing bleeding and potentially leading to a hysterectomy, damage to surrounding organs, or death of the pregnant patient.

Terminating the pregnancy is the best way to protect the woman and avoid catastrophic problems down the line.

But Alex Gooding is a conservative who thinks abortion is evil, so she says she plans to continue the pregnancy, despite the advice of her doctor who apparently tried everything he could to knock some sense into her.

When I finally saw the [ultrasound] pictures it was very crushing. It was obvious that baby had implanted into my scar. I started researching that day and over the weekend found 2 Facebook groups, every article I could get my hands on, stories from survivors on YouTube and more.

I asked my midwife for a 2nd opinion referral to a different mfm. Which she did happily but they could not get my in until I was 7 weeks.

We came back to my midwife the following week when I was 6w3d. Matt and I were met with some hostility by the OB. He told me 1) that my baby would probably die anyway because her heartbeat was 114 and she was measuring 2-3 days behind (which is perfectly normal btw) and 2) when I told him I wouldn’t be killing my baby today, he turned to Matt only and told him he has to make me terminate then. This was not a good experience and honestly I have zero respect for how he treated us that day.

That kind of response isn’t just infuriating; it’s selfish. The doctor was giving them the sad truth: The baby will almost certainly not survive, and there’s a good chance Alex won’t make it either. And they responded… by getting mad at the doctor.

Beyond that, it seems cruel to continue a pregnancy that could leave your other seven children without a parent due entirely to your own ignorance and stubbornness.

Because Alex is an influencer, though, the situation is made even worse because of survivorship bias. She doesn’t seem to understand that there’s a reason she’s hearing from other women who have survived ectopic pregnancies.

She’s hearing from “more survivors than not,” everyone! It’s a miracle!

Or maybe—and I know this may come as a shock to her—it’s literally impossible to hear from people who died from pregnancy complications. She refuses to consider how many other pregnant people in her situation didn’t make it. Instead, she smiles for the camera, not giving a damn about the kids she already has.

There’s nothing brave about continuing a pregnancy this risky. She’s not a role model for other women.

This is a prime example of why even most “pro-life” people say there should be exceptions “for the life of the mother.” A 2022 survey by the Pew Research Center found that, among Americans who believe abortion should be illegal in “most” or “all” cases, nearly half of them (46%) still said abortion should be an option if a woman’s life or health were in jeopardy. Another 27% said it depended on the situation. A situation like this one, in other words, might sway even the most fervent anti-abortion zealots.

All this from someone who admits she has a history of high-risk pregnancies and supports candidates who would remove choice as an option from anyone who’s pregnant—with no exceptions.

She’s lucky, in a way, that it’s not too late to choose a wiser path. She doesn’t have to do the thing she insists she’s going to do.

There is another concern, too. If everything works out as well as it possibly could, and the baby and mother survive, her advocacy would only discourage others in her situation from making the tragic but safer decision. Her survival could lead to more suffering for others. That’s not to say I want her to suffer. I hope everything works out for them. But instead of using her platform responsibly, and explaining to her followers that there are situations when even staunch abortion opponents might want to consider some nuance, she’s pitching herself as a martyr for the cause, as if it’s her versus the medical establishment.

The same medical establishment that, ironically, helped her bear other children through IVF, a process she now rejects as immoral.

In any case, congratulations to the eldest girl in the family, who may soon have to take over all of the child-rearing and household responsibilities because her mother wants to play Russian Roulette with her body and there’s no reason to think the father will help raise the kids. Nothing about this screams “choosing life.” It just sends the message that she’s more interested in giving birth than raising the family she already has.

As several online commenters pointed out, this continues a pernicious mindset that ramped up during the pandemic, where some people decided to follow their “own research” over solid medical advice that revealed how wrong they were. They would rather die to “own the libs” than take solid advice that might contradict their pre-existing beliefs. What a mistake.

Regular Developer

Jun 2, 2012
My mom's 2 pregnancies before me were in the fallopian tubes. She could have died and then I wouldn't have been born.

I don't mind any choices women make in this department. I'm really just against abortion as a form of birth control.


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015

I ain't clicking that demonic satanic devil worshiping witchcraft link.:mjtf:

Not today Satan.


May 29, 2012
I respect anybody willing to risk their life for what they believe. A lot of people talk a lot of shyt but fold as soon as it gets inconvenient, let alone dangerous.

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
I saw "tradwife" and that told me all I needed to know; maybe he is, but I wouldn't be surprised if her husband isn't on board with her terminating, either. She's willing to potentially sacrifice her life to push what is likely a non-viable pregnancy to the brink...meanwhile leaving all those other kids that are already here with no mama. If they are really traditional like that, too, then the daddy is just going to be looking for the oldest girls to pick up the work their mama would have been doing.

So fukking stupid.

Still can't believe there are actual women playing this game with their lives and helped to support legislation to make it difficult to end stuff like this. Maybe they live in a blue state and that is why she is even able to consider tempting fate like this. Must be nice. Of all the childbearing women of my family of this newer generation, I'm the only one not to have a miscarriage and need a D&C. In a red state though, so all that is off the table now. These things happen for a number of reasons when we get pregnant, so it was never just about being pro-life; it was about preserving the life and health of the woman when the body has flubs like this.

I hope she doesn't FAFO and her kids are motherless, but Godspeed to them anyway.