Packing the court is a pipe dream.
Packing the court is a pipe dream.
dissolving it?
Nah that ain't happening. The status quo will be maintained; the Supreme court will not be expanded, I'm very confident about that.
Is there a solution?
term limits, 12-16 years of lording over americans is more than enough.Is there a solution?
term limits, 12-16 years of lording over americans is more than enough.
If Dems don't pack the courts there will be major backlash from the base. It will hurt them in 2022 and 2024. Dems need to talk about rebalancing the courts and that its all constitutional. If they don't do that they will lose millennials and gen z.![]()
Most voters (except Black voters) are against court packing![]()
This is from the NYT/Siena poll that was released today.
adding 2 is the pragmatic way to do itIf Dems don't pack the courts there will be major backlash from the base. It will hurt them in 2022 and 2024. Dems need to talk about rebalancing the courts and that its all constitutional. If they don't do that they will lose millennials and gen z.
Biden’s first priority has to be to fix voting rights. Every thing else can waitTo pass a constitutional amendment you need both the house and senate to pass and of course 2/3rds of the 50 state legislatures to pass it. Democrats need to expand the court to 13 or 15. And to make sure the Republicans never get the trifecta to expand the courts themselves they should expand the senate. End the filibuster. Uncap the House of Representatives, expand voting rights to make it even harder for the Republicans to ever win another election ever again. This would prevent the fear of Republicans winning ever again. We are facing a major political realignment so Dems need to go big. If they don’t event try go big like when Obama got the supermajority the base will not show in 2022 and 2024.
Is there a solution?
Biden’s first priority has to be to fix voting rights. Every thing else can wait
If the the president signs a bill into law, a Supreme Court opinion doesn’t stop him from applying the law
The Supreme Court does not have any actual power over the laws of the land
for example, if Biden opens up Medicare to all ages and the Supreme Court says that it’s unconstitutional in their opinion. The very next Biden can give every citizen Medicare and there’s nothing the Supreme Court can do