So I went back and watched the Margaret/Hiker scene again and knowing what we know now a few things stood out to me:
*She was genuinely surprised that the Hiker was still alive and a ghost so people being revived after death has to be somewhat new otherwise we would have seen the ghosts of Margaret's murder victims walking around the camp which make Ramirez's revival more curious.
*So the Hiker fled the camp seeing Margaret all bloody thinking she's was a victim but she's really the killer... but he gets hit by a truck and the driver got out and killed him. Margaret thinks the driver was Jingles and the Hiker said he didn't see the driver but only heard the keys jingling before his death.
The issue is that now we know that Benjamin Richter was NOT a killer at all and was set up... so it begs the question who the hell was the driver that got out and killed the Hiker putting him in the death loop? Do we have YET another killer that's bound to the camp somehow?