guys... i'm #GMB till i die... but you do know you don't get half of shyt just for being married correct??
premartial assets ARE NOT up for grabs in a divorce... even without a prenup
where you hear most people get fukked is... they get married, THEY MAKE MONEY, then the wife takes half of that money, in divorce.. so lets say he was worth 400 million, they got married, he made 20 million during the marriage, they get divorced... she is only entitled to ask for half of that 20 million... since those are the assets obtained during the marriage
the only thing a prenup says... is that no matter what money is made during the marriage, you can't even get half of that... you'll get say 300k forever, even tho i made 300 million...
There is no length of time that automatically entitles you to half of the pre-marital assets. By definition, pre-marital assets are not assets of the marriage. There are many circumstances that could arise that would convert a pre-marital asset into a marital asset. You do not indicate if you are the spouse with the pre-marital assets or the spouse seeking to receive them. I would strongly recommend that you review these issues with an experienced domestic relations attorney. They would then be in a position to review all of your assets and determine what arguments, if any, can be made that would convert any portion of pre-marital property into marital property. Divorce is not a process you should attempt on your own. Best wishes.