Let's see how they automate the delivery process to an apt , house or business
Let's see how they automate the delivery process to an apt , house or business
Every monopoly company has government contractsNot when Amazon has government contracts.
Every monopoly company has government contracts
That shyt one of the main industries they trying to automate lmao.GET YOUR CDL.... Somebody will have to move these items to the warehouses... Somebody will have to move these boxes to FedEx, UPS, and Postal service centers....
This he has no chance tbh but the government needs to jump ahead of what's coming and implement ubi.YANG 2020
This he has no chance tbh but the government needs to jump ahead of what's coming and implement ubi.
i thought working for amazon warehouses is the worst thing ever some jobs SHOULD be automated
I've said this before I get in this convo with my supervisor everytime we have a meeting and I keep telling him it will be anarchy if these politicians don't adjust in time.People are usually too slow to see the things coming, middle america is already dead at this point. Dont say Yang dint warn you, cacs cant handle adversity... they will burn this country down
YANG 2020