night owl
Watching Black Box, really good so far 

Set in the 1950s, the first season will focus on an upwardly mobile Black family who moves from North Carolina and integrates an all-white neighborhood in Compton during a time known as The Great Migration.
Finally finished watching Farscape Season 1. 22 episodes is a lot, but by the end of the season you really do get bonded with the crew.
A lot of weird looking alien creatures on the show (not always my favorite), but I got used to it by the end. Rigel is definitely the funniest of the crew. Farscape does a lot with the concept of a living ship which is something I haven't seen a ton of in sci-fi. I do plan to eventually finish the entire series, but will probably take a break for now and catch up on some other shows.
Prime has the best movie catalogue besides MAX
It's just ok to me. Most of the murder scenes don't make you goI see they got "Conflicted" on there, the movie with Benny and griselda in it. Anybody seen it yet? I'm expecting the cliche hood movie but could be wrong. I'ma probably check it out sometime soon.