Forgive my ignorance of the whole economic mess we're in, but couldn't a lot of these issues be resolved by increasing manufacturing capability within the US rather than outsourcing it as much as we do now?
Im personally not a fan of corporations outsourcing jobs for any kind of job. I mean look at Nike on this holier than thou attitude on kyrie situation while they been using 7 year old kids to make shoes for pennies an hour. But besides ethical reasons having these jobs here would create hundreds of thousands, if not millions of jobs here.
But would that fix the inherent issue of whats going on right now? Inflation sucks but lets be honest, shyt here was way over priced, mainly land/real estate since 2014. Long before this. Interest rates going up sucks, but lets be honest the real issue is houses that should be 200k are 500k. Houses that are 800-900k should be 400k, etc. missing affordable housing and land (retail or housing) has killed everything financially in this country.
Every job (and employee) is just trying to catch up to something thats so crazy over priced its created what we have now.
Apartments have doubled and tripled or even
More for rent (due to housing) compared to just a decade ago. Thats insane when you think about it. Which means higher need for higher salaries. Which means expansion. Which means more land costs for companies. Which means more offices need to be filled. Just a never ending cycle.
I truly dont know a fix.