Nah - that's subjective. She has hazel eyes, I don't. She's curvier and more full figure than me so I don't think we look the same, but we do have a lot in common as far as characteristics, that's why I gravitate toward her. I'm the same complexion as her and have the same type of hair - big and curly but mine is more curly conservative in an updo or bun, for work. (I never wear/blow dry mine out bone straight like people tend to do- I can relate to that one interview where her manager or whatever was telling her that she should straighten her hair; she was like "no" this is me, she embraces who she is). Same with Camron's ex - Juju. I love their confidence and aura, she projects alot of positivity in reference her background and being black, never heard her make a disparaging comment about her black racial identity i.e. self hate. More importantly she sets her own beauty standards, not with the conformity. Most of my family is light skinned, I' m not so I can relate to that point too, I'm even darker than my parents lol.. but my great grandmother has very dark skin- funny how genes work sometimes.
I can relate to that one statement where she says people think that her skin color is "fake" bc her tone doesn't match her features. I've been told that I have a white people nose or think that I have lip enhancements.