Amanda Seales Dishes On Floetry, Getting Fired Because Jay-Z, Her Hollywood Come-up & More


Nov 30, 2015
Long story short. She use to be a host on Sucker Free. The story/rumor was that she was doing an interview and she wanted Jay-Z on her album, she asked Jay-Z for his number and the people at MTV thought that was disrespectful.

But that did NOT happen.

She said she got in trouble 1 time at Sirius because he was sitting there in the lobby and she asked him "what you doing". He said "nothing" and she asked for an interview and he said "sure". They did the interview and the next day she got written up. They told her she did an unauthorized interview with Jay. She texted him and was like "I got in trouble for interviewing you". He was like "I would've thought you would've gotten a pat on the back"

She then clarified what happened at MTV2. The 1st time she interviewed him was during Fade To Black. he was there waiting for jewelry to come. He was kicking it in the lobby and they asked her did she wanna come and talk to him so they could build before the actual interview. She was like cool. She had an original copy of Reasonable Doubt, asked him to sign it, he did and that was it.

The next day she got a call from her boss, saying "what you did w/ Jay-Z was inappropriate". She said "What did i do". Her boss says, "we told you don't take any pictures". Her boss said, "signing the album is the same thing" :aicmon:

About a month later they fired her.

She said it was some "jawn" there who was a hater and let her boss know she gotten an interview with Jay-Z.

Now I really had to type that out cause your ass was too lazy to push play and listen to the shyt. :gucci:
rep for effort/time :leostare:

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
Basically there was a rumor that Jay got her fired from her gig at MTV or was it Sirius radio because she asked Jay for his number so she can get a feature. That wasn't true though but she did ask him for an autograph. Some other person that worked there that was there saw her and snitched and then she got fired like a month later. She also got in trouble at some other radio gig (Sirius) for doing an "unauthorized" Jay-Z interview.
Y'all believe this story huh. Ok.