Am I the only one who thought Bad Boys I and II were overrated?

Da Jungles

Apr 30, 2012
Bad Boys 1 was a certified classic. There's no debating this.

But I can't believe nikkas are in here shytting on Bad Boys 2 :wtf: shyt was piff as well and had many classic scenes/quotables:

-The whole opening scene was piff. "Blue power mothafukkas!"

-The whole scene when the Zoe Pound was flipping cars was piff

-When they rolled up on the Hatian's house and had that shootout:
"Who's this? Who's in my house?"
"It's the devil."
"The devil is not welcome heeeerrre."
"You gotta call yourself the devil in his house Mike?! shyt!"

"A bullet to the brain will really mess up your extensions!"

-The scene when they were in the electronics store saying all that gay shyt (:scusthov:)

-Vargas and Reyes trying to clown: "Hey guys, we were thinking of ordering some lunch. Would you like us to put you down for a bucket of extra crispy and a couple of creams sodas?" :scheme:
"Couple of cream sodaaaz.... isn't it low tide?... You I know I think it is.... don't ya'll have so relatives to pick up?" :hmm:

-This nikka Martin up in the attic watching rats fukk talkin' about, "Mike! This poppa rat is humpin' the shyt outta this mama rat..... they fukk just like us!" :gladbron:

-The whole scene with Reggie.

-The scene they're at the Captain's house after Martin ingested that X. He comes down in the Captain's robe talkin' about "I love it when you call me bunny-loooo"
"Who the hell are you talking to?"
"I talk to Vargas.... and Rui.... Reyes..... they said they down for whatever..."

-John Sally talkin' about, "I need floor seats."
"With them thick-ass glasses you don't need floor seats. The man can see the game from the parking lot."

-Jacking Dan Marino for his car

-In the morgue Martin talkin' about, "Mike have some class! Cover her titties!"
"What.. what am I gonna do with these big, fake dead-ass titties?!":childplease:
"But you're lookin'." :sitdown:


Either there are a bunch of white boys in here that can't appreciate the movie, or people expected the movie to be something it wasn't meant to be :manny:


Loved both movies