This is the right decision. If TRT is "the bushes lite" it's because the very same posters who are complaining in this thread don't/won't use that forum.
Also can someone explain to be how this decision proves that the coli sold out?
What difference does it make to potential White investors whether race discussion has it's own dedicated forum or not?
How is race discussion being silenced when it has it's own exclusive forum?
It's been said but I think it bears repeating, the
majority of people upset with this move are mad they can't get into dikk measuring contests over who is more down for the cause or who hates Whitey more. Dudes were posting copy pasta's talking about recruiting gang members for armed militias.
Dudes stayed posting threads telling us what we needed to do to prosper/improve our position in society/fight back but would rarely if ever say how they themselves were implementing said plans.
And anyone who disagreed with them were a cac, c00n, bedwench, Black feminest, or fatherless so what was the incentive to debate?
Granted the woman bashing threads are bad too but at least they are relevent to the forum name. A forum called "The Locker Room" should be expected to have women as a leading topic as that is a leading topic in male locker rooms imo.
This is a similar reaction the console stans had during the Arcadium split. (Which was also the right decision)
@LA Fisher =
@PS4 if you look at the dualities. The console war trolls were just upset they had less people to annoy. Which is partly what's going on here.
Also why are you guys accusing the mods of making these decisions?
@cook @Brooklynzson are the admins
Maybe you should direct more anger at them