Yeah, if you aint doin it for money, it's worthless. You also kinda gotta know at least one or two people in the league for it to be as fun as it can be.
I love it, but can see why some people would hate it. Some people be more into their fantasy team than their real team, and I can't get with that. I also can't get with people who bring up their team all the time. If I'm in a league with you, we can talk Fantasy. If you and I just met, I don't wanna hear every three seconds about your team.
That said, it does make football more interesting and exciting, and helps you know more about players you'd never know anything about. Like Homer Simpson once said Football is like Ice Cream. It's already awesome, but it's better when its covered with hot fudge And mounds of whipped cream And chopped nuts, And, ooh, those crumbled-up cookie things they mash up? Mmm
crumbled-up cookie things
That's what Fantasy is.