You were trying to reason your option of not voting with the idea that other people voted for not so savory reasons.
Actually I wasnt using that as MY reason.
You were trying to reason your option of not voting with the idea that other people voted for not so savory reasons.
What you just said doesn't make sense. If they are plenty of idiots in government...who voted them in, in the first place?
I didn't vote because I did not educate myself properly on the issues. If I did I probably would have voted for Romney but I don't know where he stands on any of the conservative issues because be flip flops back and forth and Obama is too Liberal for my taste. So I did the country a favor by not voting off ignorance and let the educated people make the choice.
I'm just the messanger, i didnt write the messageYou're creating a demonic hurricane off the coast of this page right now. Lets not do that.
Actually I wasnt using that as MY reason.
For one. Voter turnout is almost as important as who was elected. Your voice won't be respected unless you use it. Politicians pander to those who they think will vote. If they already know you're not going to vote, they have no reason to advocate plans that will benefit you.I live in a non swing state... Its not even a question how my state will vote today. So explain to me why i should vote if it honestly wont make a difference at all?
How can you be black and someone be to liberal for your taste?
Conservatism in its essence is about maintaining the status quo.
For one. Voter turnout is almost as important as who was elected. Your voice won't be respected unless you use it. Politicians pander to those who they think will vote. If they already know you're not going to vote, they have no reason to advocate plans that will benefit you.
Two. Red/blue states turn into swing states all the time. If enough people vote for the opposing party your state could become a swing state. I live in Ohio, which had been a red state for decades prior to the 04 election. Bush still won the state, but enough democratic voters showed up to make the state into a swing state, and now Ohio is integral to both either candidate's election chances.
Three. The presidential race is only one of the issues on the ballot. There are plenty of other candidates/issues that deserve your attention.
Four. Cause it's what responsible adults do![]()
Comprehension is not a strong point of yours.
Go back and read that again.
or maybe i misunderstood what you meant OR maybe you should go back and edit that post be a little more clear on what youre trying to say![]()
"history does not show that any race, especially a minority group, has ever solved an important problem by relying altogether on one thing, certainly not by parking its politiccal strength on one side of the fence......."
So, to everyone who's so passionate about voting, What have you done in the past 4 years, besides vote, to help better society?
Also, how many of you all that voted, blindly voted for every other canditate on the ballot strictly because they were democrat?
No buddy true conservatism is about reducing the size of the government and empowering people to be more independent in it's essence. Also Obama views on abortion and other social issues differ from mines! So again because I did not fully educate myself on both candidates this time around I chose to remove myself from the voting process also foregoing my right to bytch and moan bout the country. Would you prefer a low information voter such as myself to vote![]()
It was simple stated, but I'll try again:
You are reasoning your decision with the idea of other people's not so well informed decisions.