I've dated outside my race a bunch of times but I'm starting to slowly only fukk with sistas.
Main reason I didn't in the past was because It was a lot more work to get with an attractive black women then non black. Just too few and too much competition where I lived.
So many things are happening to us black folks right now and we gotta start sticking together. I also feel like id be a hippocrit being pro black and dating a woman of another race. Its also so stereotypical to be a semi successful black dude and not fukk with black girls. Its a walking stereotype and kind of a lowkey diss to black women low key. I have a feeling a lot of black women i know who I'm attracted too think I only fukk with non black women and it sucks cause it aint true.
I met this cute brown skinned girl last week, she was tall like 5'7, slim with curves, and a blonde afro. I think shes from Trinidad. When i walked into the spot i felt like she was giving me dirty looks the whole night but accidental started dancing with each other when dat drake came on! We chopped it up for a bit after, she was mad cool, she goes to medical school, and her parents seem to be loaded and she likes the boys swagger and I got the number. We walked home after the party in the same direction, her friend was us and crashing at her place that night. I turned on my street and went home. Woke up the next day to see she added me to fb.
Just realized i typed a whole story.....this weed is something else haha.
I have her pic and I wanna post but too many wolves lol and @
Broke Wave might have already tried to cuff.