Am I invisble...or is it me?


May 7, 2012
Take your solution to that director directly and detail (bullet points) how it will save them time and money...

That is the key here.

There is definitely something to the idea that white people oftentimes refuse to give non whites the same level of institutional credibility. Not always, but it happens. I always tell people getting into the corporate world that you need to set the tone early in the game. The fact that this has been happening for years is a big part of the problem. Anytime you allow ANYTHING to continue for that long, people will accept it as permissible.

At this point you need to go to the director as the person quoted above said, and make it strictly an issue of MONEY/TIME. That should push him/her to send the word down.


Living dead
Mar 2, 2015
That is the key here.

There is definitely something to the idea that white people oftentimes refuse to give non whites the same level of institutional credibility. Not always, but it happens. I always tell people getting into the corporate world that you need to set the tone early in the game. The fact that this has been happening for years is a big part of the problem. Anytime you allow ANYTHING to continue for that long, people will accept it as permissible.

At this point you need to go to the director as the person quoted above said, and make it strictly an issue of MONEY/TIME. That should push him/her to send the word down.

Funny...this actually happened this past Tuesday. I'm at work in the lab with one of my female teammates (the newest one) and the woman in charge of duplication, discussing how the former intern royally fukked up everything he touched before they shipped him up to one of the Pa Army bases (white people that fukk up get promoted out instead of fired...bullshyt) and how it's such bullshyt that a useless fukk like him would get shipped upstream. But that's white Amerikkka...

So we're talking and who walks in but....THE DIRECTOR!!!

I couldn't believe it...he came to visit the lab and wanted to get a chance to talk with the technicians and get some ideas for directions our organization could go in to reduce waste. I couldn't believe it!! The one day that my cac team lead was coming in late and wouldn't be there to monopolize the conversation with management...AND I WAS THERE TO REPRESENT THE TEAM!!!! My female teammate didn't say much because she's just starting out and doesn't know all of what is going on. I was able to brief the director on all of the new tools that our team is implementing and show him all of the tools that I've personally built for the organization while also suggesting avenues that the organization can take to restructure a few wasteful areas and save some money (millions). He mentioned that he liked the ideas and especially liked the imaging methodology that our team came up with (Saved our organization over 2 million dollars last year and will save our Army directorate over 7 million dollars this year by no longer having to use Symantec Ghost for imaging CONUS/OCONUS).
The four of us must have talked for a good hour and a half. He briefed us on what our operations are like stateside and in the field and invited our team to join in on a few of the exercises that take place in NJ. We never get informed or invited to them because the R&D team that always goes to them keeps everyone else in the dark so that no one knows what they're doing (their funding would get yanked if management knew just how useless they are. They haven't come up with more than one new solution in the past 9 years they've been funded. Pathetic.) and how much money they're wasting.
But our team will be going to that test exercise later this year now that the director knows that we haven't been going or even been invited. He thought that the R&D team were informing everyone else of what was going on at that event and passing along the invites.
(I am secretly hoping they get their asses chewed out for fukking up yet again)


May 5, 2012
Funny...this actually happened this past Tuesday. I'm at work in the lab with one of my female teammates (the newest one) and the woman in charge of duplication, discussing how the former intern royally fukked up everything he touched before they shipped him up to one of the Pa Army bases (white people that fukk up get promoted out instead of fired...bullshyt) and how it's such bullshyt that a useless fukk like him would get shipped upstream. But that's white Amerikkka...

So we're talking and who walks in but....THE DIRECTOR!!!

I couldn't believe it...he came to visit the lab and wanted to get a chance to talk with the technicians and get some ideas for directions our organization could go in to reduce waste. I couldn't believe it!! The one day that my cac team lead was coming in late and wouldn't be there to monopolize the conversation with management...AND I WAS THERE TO REPRESENT THE TEAM!!!! My female teammate didn't say much because she's just starting out and doesn't know all of what is going on. I was able to brief the director on all of the new tools that our team is implementing and show him all of the tools that I've personally built for the organization while also suggesting avenues that the organization can take to restructure a few wasteful areas and save some money (millions). He mentioned that he liked the ideas and especially liked the imaging methodology that our team came up with (Saved our organization over 2 million dollars last year and will save our Army directorate over 7 million dollars this year by no longer having to use Symantec Ghost for imaging CONUS/OCONUS).
The four of us must have talked for a good hour and a half. He briefed us on what our operations are like stateside and in the field and invited our team to join in on a few of the exercises that take place in NJ. We never get informed or invited to them because the R&D team that always goes to them keeps everyone else in the dark so that no one knows what they're doing (their funding would get yanked if management knew just how useless they are. They haven't come up with more than one new solution in the past 9 years they've been funded. Pathetic.) and how much money they're wasting.
But our team will be going to that test exercise later this year now that the director knows that we haven't been going or even been invited. He thought that the R&D team were informing everyone else of what was going on at that event and passing along the invites.
(I am secretly hoping they get their asses chewed out for fukking up yet again)

:scust:@ using symantec ghost for imaging ANYTHING in 2017,

:salute:@ you well done.