Alt right rally tonight, The kkk is back these nikkas bout 3000 deep carrying torches

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
Dumb and ugly and broke.

And likely blames his shytty life on Jews, Blacks, and The Gays.

Think about it, broke, uneducated, dim and ready to die for his belief that you caused it.

If that was a breh he'd be hustling or in school to come up, not killing people with his car because he's mad.

So he's that mad he throws his life away at 20 to a line with a party that told him it's someone else fault you can't get laid, someone else's fault for everything.

20 year old kid, cacs ain't no different from the terrorist they love to bash.


Aug 30, 2013
I don't know who you are(nor do I care) nor why you're quoting my post of historical facts

I also don't know why you got so emotional over the facts I posted that you felt the need to neg me

You must be a white german american smh

You seem to be imagining an entire strawman argument in here that no one actually made simpleton

Don't quote me again unless you wanna learn something simpleton.

But here you go dummy

Was Nazi eugenics created in the US?

Next time instead of getting emotional, learn how to humble yourself in the presence of a superior intellect simpleton

What historical facts are you talking about?

I am not clicking any website which promotes conspiracy theories. Sorry.
Michel Chossudovsky - Wikipedia

Who is the simpleton now?

That article you linked basically said this about the book, so I am not even sure why you gave me that link.

So, it is not Black's persuasion that 'big-money' interests in the USA supported eugenics for class-based interests that bothers me; it is the claim that interest in eugenical theory and its use to create a master Aryan race were developed primarily in the USA and exported to Germany as the foundation for later Nazi racial hygiene. Such a claim ignores the results of a whole host of recent, detailed and sophisticated historical studies that trace the origin of eugenics movements in a wide range of countries, especially Germany and the USA.

Furthermore, in enumerating these relationships, which are all true enough, Black downplays or often seems to ignore the long history of eugenics and racial hygiene in Germany itself (the two were separate in the early decades of the century but gradually became more synonymous by the 1930s). Absent from his bibliography, for example, is Sheila Faith Weiss's excellent book on Wilhelm Schallmeyer, one of the early German eugenicists who left a lasting imprint on the movement. Germany had a far more active and virulent pro-Nordic and pro-Aryan tradition than most mainstream American eugenics. And although some US eugenicists were Nordic supremacists (Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard come immediately to mind), the US movement was not primarily about creating a master race—it was about preventing what appeared to be degeneration of the 'old American stock' owing to the 'un-Darwinian' practices of allowing supposedly hereditarily defective people to reproduce

I guess it is cool you know how to link useless articles though.:francis:

Based on all this knowledge you have given me, it seems you are a full fledged conspiracy nut.
You are obviously a single caucasian man in his late 30s.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


God bless Black People!
Nov 18, 2016
Rio De Janeiro, BR

:dame:"keep'em firing" :dame:

The ws is global, here in Brazil we have some neo nazis groups too but they so small that dont have any political connection or financial support to spread their bullshyt. Their biggest hobby is fighting each other :dead:

But the funniest thing is that these aryan bozos don't even know they carry a good amount of African negroes genes in their blood

Even if there was something like a "pride march" they would be beaten, killed or persecuted for the rest of their lives :russ:


Jun 16, 2012
Brehs did you guys see that two black brothers went at each other and fight like :slapfight: for questioning his blackness/c00n ...dude was :mad::fire::angry: :pacspit:


Dec 29, 2016
What historical facts are you talking about?

I am not clicking any website which promotes conspiracy theories. Sorry.
Michel Chossudovsky - Wikipedia

Who is the simpleton now?

That article you linked basically said this about the book, so I am not even sure why you gave me that link.

So, it is not Black's persuasion that 'big-money' interests in the USA supported eugenics for class-based interests that bothers me; it is the claim that interest in eugenical theory and its use to create a master Aryan race were developed primarily in the USA and exported to Germany as the foundation for later Nazi racial hygiene. Such a claim ignores the results of a whole host of recent, detailed and sophisticated historical studies that trace the origin of eugenics movements in a wide range of countries, especially Germany and the USA.

Furthermore, in enumerating these relationships, which are all true enough, Black downplays or often seems to ignore the long history of eugenics and racial hygiene in Germany itself (the two were separate in the early decades of the century but gradually became more synonymous by the 1930s). Absent from his bibliography, for example, is Sheila Faith Weiss's excellent book on Wilhelm Schallmeyer, one of the early German eugenicists who left a lasting imprint on the movement. Germany had a far more active and virulent pro-Nordic and pro-Aryan tradition than most mainstream American eugenics. And although some US eugenicists were Nordic supremacists (Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard come immediately to mind), the US movement was not primarily about creating a master race—it was about preventing what appeared to be degeneration of the 'old American stock' owing to the 'un-Darwinian' practices of allowing supposedly hereditarily defective people to reproduce

I guess it is cool you know how to link useless articles though.:francis:

Based on all this knowledge you have given me, it seems you are a full fledged conspiracy nut.
You are obviously a single caucasian man in his late 30s.
You ask for information that you refuse to learn anything from smh. You won't click on any links because you don't want to learn. You're content with being stupid /shrug

Your entire post was gibberish. Eugenics developed in the US BEFORE the Nazis took the advances in american eugenics and applied it to their cause simpleton

Here's some more facts for you dummy

Eugenics in the United States - Wikipedia

After the eugenics movement was well established in the United States, it spread to Germany. California eugenicists began producing literature promoting eugenics and sterilization and sending it overseas to German scientists and medical professionals.[7] By 1933, California had subjected more people to forceful sterilization than all other U.S. states combined. The forced sterilization program engineered by the Nazis was partly inspired by California's.[8]

The Rockefeller Foundation helped develop and fund various German eugenics programs,[87] including the one that Josef Mengele worked in before he went to Auschwitz.[7]

Upon returning from Germany in 1934, where more than 5,000 people per month were being forcibly sterilized, the California eugenics leader C. M. Goethe bragged to a colleague:

You will be interested to know that your work has played a powerful part in shaping the opinions of the group of intellectuals who are behind Hitler in this epoch-making program. Everywhere I sensed that their opinions have been tremendously stimulated by American thought . . . I want you, my dear friend, to carry this thought with you for the rest of your life, that you have really jolted into action a great government of 60 million people.[7]

Eugenics researcher Harry H. Laughlin often bragged that his Model Eugenic Sterilization laws had been implemented in the 1935 Nuremberg racial hygiene laws.[88] In 1936, Laughlin was invited to an award ceremony at Heidelberg University in Germany (scheduled on the anniversary of Hitler's 1934 purge of Jews from the Heidelberg faculty), to receive an honorary doctorate for his work on the "science of racial cleansing". Due to financial limitations, Laughlin was unable to attend the ceremony and had to pick it up from the Rockefeller Institute. Afterwards, he proudly shared the award with his colleagues, remarking that he felt that it symbolized the "common understanding of German and American scientists of the nature of eugenics."[89]

Henry Friedlander wrote that although the German and American eugenics movements were similar, the United States did not follow the same slippery slope as Nazi eugenics because American "federalism and political heterogeneity encouraged diversity even with a single movement." In contrast, the German eugenics movement was more centralized and did not contain as many diverse ideas as the American movement.[90] Unlike the American movement, one publication and one society, the German Society for Racial Hygiene, represented all German eugenicists in the early 20th century.[90][91]

After 1945, however, historians began to attempt to portray the US eugenics movement as distinct and distant from Nazi eugenics.[92] Jon Entine wrote that eugenics simply means "good genes" and using it as synonym for genocide is an "all-too-common distortion of the social history of genetics policy in the United States." According to Entine, eugenics developed out of the Progressive Era and not "Hitler's twisted Final Solution."[93]

Notice how you haven't refuted a single thing I said simpleton

You came in here caping for white german americans yet you accuse me of being white. Your tactics are transparent simpleton

I still don't even know what in my post got you so emotional, but as I said before, I don't quote me unless you're prepared for me to continue sonning you simpleton