Not surprising. A lot of these white supremacists are so oddly fascinated with and fixated on black people, it wouldn't shock me if a lot of them had downlow sexual fetishes.
those lefties are really scumZionist smear campaign
was about to point that outIf slave masters could both see Black people as subhuman and yet rape them (a dynamic that was handled well in 12 Years A Slave with Fassbender's character) there's nothing preventing a similar mindset today. I have always felt that a simultaneous attraction and repulsion is behind at least a certain strain of racist psychology.
he's not gay. he tried it and it wasn't for him...An angry homosexual shooting up people that believe in God. What a surprise. Not.
Its so demonic, friends.
I do:zfg:you need to put a black smiley in the other face
Not surprising. A lot of these white supremacists are so oddly fascinated with and fixated on black people, it wouldn't shock me if a lot of them had downlow sexual fetishes.