@Black Nostaljack u a bytch who scared to debate. It's fake, it's been proven. You can't debunk it, now move on.
Its been 9 days. I've been chilling on this whole thing. I don't like to start saying shiit to early, cause the information changes especially as the facts are coming in.
I even discredited a laymen's video about the shooting when his suspicions was that there were both diagonal and straight line parking spaces in the church's outside security cameras. He said it was odd. Well I went to Google Maps and the church has both kinds of parking spaces clear as day.
So I haven't gone full throttle one way or another. I've seen videos of the family member seeming a little to calm too. At this point I think what happened happened.
However..........this bolded point is one of those things that keeps popping up in nearly every single one of the these "media frenzy shooting incidences"..........some kind of drill occuring on or during the same time. That is only thing that is ...cause so many had the exact same thing happening. The chances of this same scenario nearly everytime??
Edit: I assume this is the one.
I also made a post in TLR where I challenge people to analyze the politicization of the issue with the forgives angle in less than 24hrs of the shooting.
You free to speak.
One of the victims is from my alma matter. And ive spoken to at least two people who know her that are devastated.
I guess they in on it too?
I also met the pastor when i was in college. He spoke at a symposium. I guess he been sowing the seeds for the last 10 years? The ultimate long con?
this fukking moron talking about "he had no public records i searched them online." its straight comical. his posts are seriously some of the dumbest shyt ive ever read
1. You said this was another fake event created by the White MSM, in order to heighten the rage of Blacks against poor Whites. Correct?
2. You say this division makes it easier for lawmakers to pass certain gun laws, because we(the public) wouldn't be paying attention while they pass them. Correct?
3. Do you know how legislation works? Do you know how the gun laws are in South Carolina? Do you know which bills were passed?
4. Sooo, the victims were all actors and actresses correct? Sen Pickney was just an actor just waiting for his HUGE breakout role on June 17th.
5. Why would a carefully calculated plot like this, purposely drop the ball and poke holes in their plan by tweeting out info hours before it happened? They got some idiots at Charleston PD.
6. What media source do you go to, and where do you get your facts? The Elite have their hands down YouTubes pants so they're compromised. So anything you hear on there can also be misdirected.
7. What was happening in South Carolina or the US in general that made the elites say "Holy crap, we gotta get these Negros riled up"
8. If the goal is division, why have the only things I've seen on TV, are Black families preaching forgiveness, and Blacks and Whites coming together singing the usual Negro spirituals. Maybe they're refusing to play the acting roles they were dealt by the producers.
9. If Roof was just an actor, why would the number of Black friends he had on his FB even matter? It's all fake anyways. And even then, I find it hard to believe that the powers that be, would allow such a gaping hole in their attempt to divide. They KNEW if folks got a hold of his FB page, all people would say is "Well, he has Black friends, this can't be a race related attack". Remember, MSM, was doing everything in their power to avoid jumping to conclusions about this attack being racially motivated. Even going so far as to NOT mention the race of the suspect.
10. Why did the elites give him a FB page? What was the point of that? What anti-White/Black-outrage angle were they trying rile up, by giving him a bunch of Black friends? Wouldn't they make all his friends members of Hammerskins?
what does that prove, that the video of him entering the church and being arrested, the family photos, his previous arrests, witness stories, etc dont prove? im not on that public records website. do i not exist? my name is very unique. yet theres not one photo or record of my person when i google it, or search for it on that public records site.
Why wouldn't whoever is in control not falsify any sort of public records?1. There is no video of him getting out of his car and going into the church. There is a still frame. Too stupid to see the date and time on the video still frame 7/6/2015 8:17:58 pm.
2. Wow that's nice to get family photos of anyone. FB is allowed to keep your photos especially in advertisement. Witness stories in hoaxes don't connect to the story. DUPING DELIGHT in every single one of them.
3. Absolut wouldn't be in public records. Who said they have photos of you? I doubt you know how it works. It's easy to convince me that you aren't on that site but i don't trust your word.
Dylann Roof has 90 results but none of the results are Dylann Storm Roof.
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