Men's requirements:
-Have a sense of humor
-Avoid addictions(food, drama, drugs, alcohol)
-Be patient and remember that you have more control of your emotions than the situation.
-Clean up after yourself and contribute to the household
Women's requirements:
The funniest part is the gas lighting because you post some shyt like the above on social media and they'll talk about how all they want is a man with a job who helps out around the house, is organized and not hostile for no reason. Then when presented with that male "the vibe is off" "there isn't a spark" "he's nice and a good and reliable person but something is off"
Capitalism + internalized misogyny tells these women that if a man isn't perfect then he's not worth it. That's how she stays on the dating apps, that's how she stays participating in social media gender wars, that's how she stays spending money on therapy to treat the anxiety that social media gives her. That's how she ends up being a massive hater when another woman who isn't addicted to drama lives a peaceful life with her "cornball" husband. These companies are eating off women's anxieties that they create.