All of this child spoiling and worshipping is creating a new LEVEL of SPOILED BlTCHES!!!


Louisiana Made, DC PAID!
May 9, 2012
IT Cert-Gang Mafia, GMB and HOH
I understand what the OP is trying to say but I don't think he is painting the picture well. I see it in my community. Hell my "sometimes" girl buys her now 15 year old daughter all these expensive shoes and shyt, gucci, high end jordans and a bunch of other shyt I can't even spell but does NOTHING to make her appreciate and understand what goes into her being able to receive that shyt. She doesn't make her clean up shyt, she has been kicked out of school 3 times in less than 2 school years over fights that are supposedly based on people being "jealous" of her :martin: she creates an illusion of entitlement that is only going to get worse as she gets older. Hell her mother can't REALLY even afford that shyt. If you renting shyt and struggling with car notes and other bills and still trying to get your kid 600 dollar shoes then something is wrong with the parent as well.
I don't really see this as much with black fathers. I do agree that kids from these type of environments will run into issues later when THEY can't afford to clothe themselves like they became accustomed too while in Mama house :yeshrug:

I think it promotes the bad spending habits that tend to cripple the black community more than anything. Black people don't resent their parents enough imo, most of our people have us out here starting from scratch and trying to build a little something for ourselves as soon as we hit 18.


they gotta study the right things too

i think we don't encourage our kids to think about money and how hard it is to make it. We dont tell our kids it costs half a day to a full day's labor to buy a sneaker that cost 2 dollars to make.

We also dont tell them to study finance and computer science, or STEM majors that grant more autonomy of work, financial stability, and merit-based promotions and bonuses. A crap ton of azn and white kids studied finance, but only a handful of blacks

We don't encourage them to sell stuff, own a business, so that has to change.

All my parents said was go to school study study, but that dosen't correlate to actually having a passion, or a motivation to do things. All going ot school does at the end of the day is teach you to work for someone else. But I do appreciate being financially strapped, taught me how to appreciate money and made me into a cheapass, which i am proud of

:salute: To you guy for seeing the bigger picture and understanding where I'm coming from, but as usual look how many of our on come in and try to totally shutdown the convo even with it being so critical. It's like most us cant see deep into these issues, we want to believe things are just going to work out well with just prayer and no real strategies. We're doomed. You can't even discuss these deeper topic to most of our own. Fools want to pretend they ballin on Facebook.


May 14, 2012
I get what he is saying. Long story short its good to make sure your children understand the value of things and where they come from. A lot of kids dont get their chins checked, or even comprehend when they do. I.E going from a family house, to experiencing divorce then living in an apartment and sharing rooms with brothers or sisters. Or going from Kelloggs to Great Value or Nike to payless.

A lot of parents 'spoil' their child because they understand that you have to protect your image and keep up with the joneses, so they want their kids to go to schools with nikes and in nice cars, or wearing nice clothes, and while they are able to provide that they dont always go the extra step explaining or showing them what goes into protecting that image. So when its time for them to get out on their own, suddenly they are wearing new shoes longer, or the same clothes longer without the financial backing to keep up the steady flow and without adequate education or finances they may get into crime to maintain that lifestyle.


Louisiana Made, DC PAID!
May 9, 2012
IT Cert-Gang Mafia, GMB and HOH
is that what happened to you :jbhmm:

Common faggit response. :martin: But i'll entertain it. :youngsabo:

I'm the total opposite, even if I was raised like that, I'd be against it. I'm from the projects in Louisiana, wasnt much spoiling around me. My parents worked hard and taught me and my brothers to work hard. I was cutting grass and washing cars at 10 to get the shyt i wanted. Never known nothing about a handout or waiting around for money.


All Star
Nov 19, 2016
Common faggit response. :martin: But i'll entertain it. :youngsabo:

I'm the total opposite, even if I was raised like that, I'd be against it. I'm from the projects in Louisiana, wasnt much spoiling around me. My parents worked hard and taught me and my brothers to work hard. I was cutting grass and washing cars at 10 to get the shyt i wanted. Never known nothing about a handout or waiting around for money.
Yup, me and my brothers kept the lawnmower gassed up. White boys at school talking bout allowance, fukk is that :wtb:


Secretary of Defense of #catset
Apr 7, 2017

You win some, you lose some. Or you just find out this ain’t my gift and need to find your calling.Participation medals are why grown ass people don’t understand no or how to handle rejection