There would be no america without free black labor get that straight. It's not me being "shiftless". You sound just like one of these prosperity pimp preachers. "All you got to do is pray and put all your offering in the plate and you can be blessed!". Thats the same as saying "All you got to do is vote and you can make a difference." Both are nothing but bullshyt.......... Can you show me any period in time were an oppressed people voted for change and got it? I'll wait........
You don't vote for politicians you buy them by putting money up for their campaign and promising more bread once they get in office and carry out your group agendas. Group economics is the key combine with a race first agenda(that doesn't mean we're anti anyone though).That's what the jews do. That's what the anglos do. That's what the gays do.
And can you answer me this why do black people rights to vote still have to be renewed?
Yes youre correct, our ancestors paid the heavy price for you to have the freedom of choice to decide if you want to get involved or sit on the sidelines and allow other men to decide your own fate.
The same people with your kind of thinking are the same people sitting around gambling their future earnings on reparations that'll never arrive..
And like I said, the only way to critique a sitting government is to involve yourself, rather than lobbing verbal assaults from the sidelines and being dismissive of people who can grasp and weight what is happening. continue to be apathetic and ignorant, there is bliss in it.
But if as an adult you cannot quantify your contribution to the larger picture then I doubt you have achieved much in life. seriously..working people that pay massive taxes go out and vote because they understand the value in voting and the value in your must either be in highschool, underemployed or unemployed if you cannot connect the dots between voting and the taxes people cannot be a tax payer with such a limited intellect.