I doubt it happens but I want to see Jesse find out the truth about Jane, Brock, and Mike.
@hexagram23 is the plant that Walt used on Brock still in his backyard?
I'm thinking Jesse stills needs confirmation on what happened with Brock or Mike's death to really put him over the top.
The only other person except Walt that knows 100 percent that Mike is dead is Todd. And I don't see Jesse and Todd randomly bumping into each other.
You missing the point of the whole pic, all those phones are burners except the smartphone with the hello kitty case. Saul has that for a reason, all those phones are from people he does business with.
Nope, Walt tossed it in the first few minutes of "Live Free Or Die" last year.
I don't think Jesse needs 100% confirmation that Walt killed Mike at this point. He obviously didn't believe Walt when he said he didn't do it.
Also, you're forgetting Old Joe. He crushed Mike's car, remember? Jesse could randomly run into him.
As far as the towel shyt I think that was just a little easter egg to us that Walt is now Gus.
The other shyt (Volvo/teddy bear eye ball/drinks on the rocks/no crust/52 in bacon, etc.) is Walt, either purposely or subconsciously, taking on traits of deaths he's had a hand in, either directly or indirectly.
I was watching afterbuzz and i was listening to the host talk about this scene, This graffiti was done by the guys who broke into the house not the kids, you know why i am saying this is because he uses a crowbar to break into his house, they have gates in-front and they seemed to be only there for his pool, another thing, when he walks into 1 of the rooms the door is knocked off the hinges. If kids were vandalizing the place, it would be more trash in it. i can swear this is blood splattered on the wall, No some group broke into this place with bad intentions and put in work.
calm down and relax it not happening, anyway i could a shyt if you mad.for that spoiler. Ya fukkin douche. I wish I could neg you.
All this time it was going fine with not reading spoilers until this.
fukk you, man.
"Blood Money" doubled the previous series high of 2.9 million viewers for "Live Free Or Die". The premiere last night had 5.9 million viewers.
Forgot all about that.
And i know Jesse doesn't believe him. But it didn't seem like enough for him to take action against Walt. Been thinking about that all day...what's going to get him to the point of revenge.
Look how long it took the world finally recognizes something good.
Back in season 2 I remember asking peeps if they saw it. They were
Fast forward to season 5 and everyone's on it.
Man I've been a fan since the pilot! I just knew something great rested head with this show. My girlfriend always would say I was probably the only person that invested with the show, fast forward she's addicted to the show as much as me.
"Blood Money" doubled the previous series high of 2.9 million viewers for "Live Free Or Die". The premiere last night had 5.9 million viewers.