How many Black Male wrestlers are in open relationships with White Female wrestlers in WWE? I think part of the reason why Alicia may be dating White dudes(White Wrestlers at that) is to cement her fanbase among White Males(the chief demographic of WWE Watchers). How much push would a FINE Black woman like herself get, dating another fellow Black pro-wrestler? They aren't trying to see some positive, non-c00nish, Black Power type shtick, ala The Nation. So her, being seen in pictures with the author of How To Date White guys, is basically her being adamant about her preference, and I think that gives her a boost in many a fans eyes.We've seen other White Male wrestlers date/marry Black females, and experience no dip in their popularity. Let Kofi start dating one of the BADDEST White Divas, and we'll see just as much of a racial reflex reaction from the White Male WWE Fanbase, and ESPECIALLY from Hulk Hogan himself. Vince McMahon might have to step in like:
But then again, Kofi's married to a Black woman.