I see a few people exposed themselves in this thread 

I see a few people exposed themselves in this thread![]()
to be fair a couple of them showed who they are in past threads this just reaffirms it.
for one, she never mentioned Caribbean and two, most latinos in this country are white. If she was talking specifically about afro-latinos, she would have mentioned it. And even if there are afro latinos here, she's a US government lawmaker not latino speaking country one, so why bring latinos up when America slavery reparation is brought to the front? American government aren't responsible for them.
There are alot of weirdos on this site. Had Mark Henry up here asking some positive shyt to Cody and then a popular political figure responds positively.
Then you got people up here go straight to negativity![]()
I live in nor cali, so yeah....I know what a mestizo is, thanks for the history lesson but I know every single thing you posted all ready. at the end of the day, my point is, AOC had no reason to include latinos in the reparation talk whether white, black, quadroon whatever because they have nothing to do with US slavery history, she's trying to shoehorn latinos in AA issues, so I can understand why black folks don't fukk with her.Most latinos are white? Do you even know what a Latino is or grow up around any?
Most South & Central American Latinos like Mexicans, Peruvians, Salvadoreans etc are mestizo, I already know you don't know what that means but Mestizo means a European/Indigeonous mix.
Most Caribbean Latinos (AOC Is PR by the way) like Cubans, PRs, DRs, etc are a mix of European, Indigeonous, and African at about the percentage i gave you earlier. Most, if not practically all, are mixed race with the "white ones" you are referring to having less african lineage and the "Afro-latinos" you are mentioning obviously having higher concentration of lineage. These are all tiny islands and oh by the way, slavery lasted there longer than it did in the states....FACTS.
Either way, you obviously have never grown up around latinos or even know what they are, you're simply making stupid, uneducated statements based off visual phenotypes based off little or no exposure to other cultures.
Black people get paid first. Everything after is not our problem
I'm black so I want what's owed to us, AOC is no friend to the black community. Diversity in wrestling usually means some black wrestler will get the honor of losing in a high profile feud.
ConservativeLiberal, but keep acting like there's a difference between the two
fakkits couldn't resistI see a few people exposed themselves in this thread![]()
I'm interested to see why you would state the boldedfor one, she never mentioned Caribbean and two, most latinos in this country are white. If she was talking specifically about afro-latinos, she would have mentioned it. And even if there are afro latinos here, she's a US government lawmaker not latino speaking country one, so why bring latinos up when America slavery reparation is brought to the front? American government aren't responsible for them.
Coliservatives are only matched in their impotent rage by Hillary Hoes.
Whole country going Left, be mad about it, you're gonna get healthcare and no more wars.![]()
I see a few people exposed themselves in this thread![]()