In Europe people with albinism are often barely noticeable. In Africa stories have grown up over hundreds of years around people with albinism that attribute supernatural powers to them.
In Tanzania, they are described as zeru-zeru, immortal spirits.
'That's why they kill us,' said Miriamu softly. 'They believe that our body parts and organs will make them rich and happy.'
these c00ns think the white skin gives em superpowers
aint no damn ancient custom... its c00nery....
this what happens when u got the strongest genetics but the weakest self esteem...
u got all these white scientists spending BILLIONS studying and creating all kinda shyt from black DNA....
but the black folks doin shyt like this...
we gotta recognize the white supremacists orchestrated all of this...
cuz they know its the sunlight that separate black folks from everyone else...
alotta black children wit behavior and health issues, its usually from a lack of sunlight... shyt adults too...
vitamin d deficiency even tearin up white folks...
so yall can imagine how much its killing us, when we need ALOT more sunlight than they do....
thats why when u see black folks close to the equator..
they been corrupted with crazy shyt like eating albinos for superpowers, rubbin bleaching cream on their body, and rocking muthafukkin sun umbrellas
its a global system of domination...