More tangibles courtesy of the RNC! 

yep...That 13th amendment loophole is there for a reason
And never got removed for it
How many times is your parole going to be denied while you work at kfc and report back to prison every day before you say fukk it and go to KFC and harm some people?
Then how many of those incidents have to happen before they start looking at people on work release for years coming and going unsupervised before they say "well this is going to be his 3rd parole hearing, are we sure we don't want to just let this MF go?"
Something's gotta give.
shyt how many mfs have to go to a job, an actual job, at some plant or a farm, or KFC and harm some people before these businesses and corporations say "we don't want to be involved in work release programs"? At which case the cities, or states are only going to have jobs available that are city or state run.
I paused for a min when I got there. Like what!??They got this cat doing life for check fraud?! Ain't no fukking way........
When you do shyt deemed "penitentiary chances" and you end up in the penitentiary. I can never have sympathy for you. Alot of us come from fukked up situations and the overwhelming majority of us decides not to engage in penitentiary level behavior.
I say that to say if you don't wanna be put into servitude let's not do crimes that lead to those situations. Like I said I come from far worse than a whole lot of ppl and I'm supposed have a reason to fail but I simply refuse to.