Al Sharpton's Secret Work As FBI Informant...UPDATE: He did an interview w/ Tom Joyner


Redemption is Coming
May 4, 2012
NEW YORK (AP) — The Rev. Al Sharpton admitted on Tuesday that he helped the FBI investigate New York Mafia figures in the 1980s, even making secret recordings that appeared to help bring down a mob boss.

But at a news conference, Sharpton insisted he never considered himself a confidential informant, despite a report identifying him as the "CI-7" referenced in recently released court records.

"I was never told I was an informant with a number," Sharpton told reporters at his Harlem headquarters in response to the report posted Monday on The Smoking Gun website. "In my own mind, I was not an informant. I was cooperating with an investigation."

The report's timing became a distraction for Sharpton a day before he was to host President Barack Obama as the keynote speaker at the annual convention his civil rights group, the National Action Network. The MSNBC host complained that he was unfairly portrayed as a turncoat mob associate instead of a victim in front-page tabloid stories featuring headlines like "REV RAT" and 30-year-old photos of him when he was overweight and wore his hair in a bouffant.

Sharpton said that he went to federal authorities after low-level mobsters warned him and others they would be harmed if they continued to compete for a stake in the music business — a claim he recounted in his 1996 book, "Go and Tell Pharaoh."

"We were threatened, and that's not a new story," Sharpton said. "It's in my book."

Al Sharpton taped mob conversations for FBI, repor …Play Video

Sharpton claimed that after the FBI targeted him in a failed sting, he "fought back and said, 'I'm being threatened. These are the kinds of guys you should be going after.'"

For about two years, the FBI enlisted Sharpton to record conversations with mob figures using a bug hidden in a briefcase, he said. His role, he said, was to try to get them to repeat the threats and also talk about any other crimes.

He added: "I made the right decision. ... The only thing I'm embarrassed by are those old fat pictures."

A spokesman for the FBI's New York office declined to comment on Tuesday.

The Smoking Gun report was based on court documents and FBI memos released in response to Freedom of Information requests. They included a draft affidavit by an FBI agent investigating allegations that the Genovese crime family had a lucrative "stranglehold" on music industry executive Morris Levy.

The FBI "has developed a relationship with a confidential informant, hereafter referred to as 'CI-7,'" who agreed to record conversations with a mobster with inside knowledge of the Levy shakedown, the affidavit says. In one conversation in 1984, it says the mobster told CI-7 that Levy "has tried to end his relationship with the Genovese family 10 to 15 times but that he has 'only has one way out,' at which point (he) gestured like someone pointing a gun and pulling the trigger."

The information from Sharpton helped investigators persuade judges to approve wiretaps on phones at the Manhattan home of Genovese boss Vincent "The Chin" Gigante and to bug a social club where the Gigante hung out, the report said.

Gigante, who known for faking mental illness by shuffling through his Greenwich Village neighborhood in bathrobe and slippers, was convicted in 1997 of racketeering and murder conspiracy. He died in prison at 77 in 2005.

Asked about the report after an unrelated City Hall press conference, Mayor Bill de Blasio said it wouldn't change his "positive view" of Sharpton.

"What's obvious from what he said this very morning is that he was asked by the FBI to support their efforts and he agreed to help, and that's exactly what a citizen should do," the mayor said.

Get caught with drugs and point fingers at others, cuz the FBI will listen to you, brehs :camby:

This negga Sharpton thinks he's not a rat for real ? :dahell:

Negga wore a wire and taped his friends' convos for the feds. How's that not snicthing ? Damn it, man. Lemme go watch SOpranos again

Roberto Dinero

Dropped from #TnT
May 5, 2012
The Infamous World's End Houses
NEW YORK (AP) — The Rev. Al Sharpton admitted on Tuesday that he helped the FBI investigate New York Mafia figures in the 1980s, even making secret recordings that appeared to help bring down a mob boss.

But at a news conference, Sharpton insisted he never considered himself a confidential informant, despite a report identifying him as the "CI-7" referenced in recently released court records.

"I was never told I was an informant with a number," Sharpton told reporters at his Harlem headquarters in response to the report posted Monday on The Smoking Gun website. "In my own mind, I was not an informant. I was cooperating with an investigation."

The report's timing became a distraction for Sharpton a day before he was to host President Barack Obama as the keynote speaker at the annual convention his civil rights group, the National Action Network. The MSNBC host complained that he was unfairly portrayed as a turncoat mob associate instead of a victim in front-page tabloid stories featuring headlines like "REV RAT" and 30-year-old photos of him when he was overweight and wore his hair in a bouffant.

Sharpton said that he went to federal authorities after low-level mobsters warned him and others they would be harmed if they continued to compete for a stake in the music business — a claim he recounted in his 1996 book, "Go and Tell Pharaoh."

"We were threatened, and that's not a new story," Sharpton said. "It's in my book."

Al Sharpton taped mob conversations for FBI, repor …Play Video

Sharpton claimed that after the FBI targeted him in a failed sting, he "fought back and said, 'I'm being threatened. These are the kinds of guys you should be going after.'"

For about two years, the FBI enlisted Sharpton to record conversations with mob figures using a bug hidden in a briefcase, he said. His role, he said, was to try to get them to repeat the threats and also talk about any other crimes.

He added: "I made the right decision. ... The only thing I'm embarrassed by are those old fat pictures."

A spokesman for the FBI's New York office declined to comment on Tuesday.

The Smoking Gun report was based on court documents and FBI memos released in response to Freedom of Information requests. They included a draft affidavit by an FBI agent investigating allegations that the Genovese crime family had a lucrative "stranglehold" on music industry executive Morris Levy.

The FBI "has developed a relationship with a confidential informant, hereafter referred to as 'CI-7,'" who agreed to record conversations with a mobster with inside knowledge of the Levy shakedown, the affidavit says. In one conversation in 1984, it says the mobster told CI-7 that Levy "has tried to end his relationship with the Genovese family 10 to 15 times but that he has 'only has one way out,' at which point (he) gestured like someone pointing a gun and pulling the trigger."

The information from Sharpton helped investigators persuade judges to approve wiretaps on phones at the Manhattan home of Genovese boss Vincent "The Chin" Gigante and to bug a social club where the Gigante hung out, the report said.

Gigante, who known for faking mental illness by shuffling through his Greenwich Village neighborhood in bathrobe and slippers, was convicted in 1997 of racketeering and murder conspiracy. He died in prison at 77 in 2005.

Asked about the report after an unrelated City Hall press conference, Mayor Bill de Blasio said it wouldn't change his "positive view" of Sharpton.

"What's obvious from what he said this very morning is that he was asked by the FBI to support their efforts and he agreed to help, and that's exactly what a citizen should do," the mayor said.

Get caught with drugs and point fingers at others, cuz the FBI will listen to you, brehs :camby:

This negga Sharpton thinks he's not a rat for real ? :dahell:

Negga wore a wire and taped his friends' convos for the feds. How's that not snicthing ? Damn it, man. Lemme go watch SOpranos again


I remember in the show, Tony did have discussions, deals and meetings with leaders of the black community in Jersey.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Rev. Al Sharpton: ‘So What’s The Problem? That I Wanted To Do Something About It?’
Comments: 3 | Leave A Comment
Apr 9, 2014

By Reverend Al Sharpton
    Rev. Al Sharpton clears the air on the TJMS with an exclusive. An informant? A snitch? He clears the air around the topic and his name in an in depth interview.

    “So what’s the problem? That I wanted to do something about it?,” Sharpton says.

    According to Sharpton, these allegations are only coming to light because President Obama is speaking at his annual National Action Network convention.

    Read the entire interview below:

    REV. AL SHARPTON: Good morning, good morning. Yes, I’m on the phone. I’ve been doing TV because today’s the opening day of the National Action Network’s convention and the dealing with this fabricated controversy of a 31 year old story. But we expect that every time we have our convention they try to come up with something. Particularly this year since President Obama is speaking Friday and the Attorney General is speaking today, but let me say this, Tom, with all this informant story. Thirty-one years now they’re talking about, they come out with transcripts. A guy named Sal came to New York when I was a leading a fight to make sure concert promoters from the black community was involved in the concerts of Lionel Richie and Michael Jackson. They were getting ready to go on major tours, and black concert promoters had been cut out. This guy, who was a mobster, threatened to kill me and the other protesters. Saying that we didn’t know who we were messing with. I wrote about this in my first book in 1996, so this is nothing new. And I think that the whole inference that if you are threatened and you called the law, that you’re an informant, is ridiculous. If I break into your house and I’m stealing your stuff, and you pick up the phone and call the cops, I say, no, you snitchin’ on me? You’re the victim, you’re not my partner, your partner’s snitching on you. So it’s the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard of. I’m having the Attorney General of the United States speak at my convention today, not the head of the Costra Nostra. I’m not the bad guy. Of course we work with government against what’s wrong. What is crazy to me is why at that time, and Tom you remember that, even though were much younger than I was, they were going after disc jockeys in the black community, you know, and was letting these mobsters go. I sat in Frankie Crocker’s trial. So y’all gonna tell me that you gonna try to conjure up cases of payola on black DJs and y’all are not gonna do nothing about these guys who you call mobsters doing something to us? I won’t force your hand and that’s what I did and I will do it again.

    MIKE EPPS: So, Reverend Al.

    TOM JOYNER: Go ahead, Mike.

    MIKE EPPS: Reverend, you know what they say, you know what our mothers used to say, if they ain’t talking about you, you ain’t doing nothing, you still doing something.

    REV. AL SHARPTON: That’s true, but the point is that they don’t dispute the facts. They’re not saying, no these guys weren’t mobsters. No, these guys didn’t threaten. So what’s the problem? That I wanted to do something about it? And I think the last several years I’ve been all over this show every Wednesday and everywhere else telling kids to stand up against guns and the community and work with law enforcement. This only validates that I always stood and represented what I always said. So I think that it is really the continual criminalization of the black community to act like we supposed to be with the thugs rather than with the good guys, and I’m not …

    MIKE EPPS: The fuzz?

    SYBIL WILKES: Thugs.

    MIKE EPPS: The fuzz? Oh, I thought he said the fuzz? I was like, man, that’s old school right there, the fuzz.

    REV. AL SHARPTON: No, no, no. I’m not that old.

    SYBIL WILKES: (Laugh)

    TOM JOYNER: Hey, Reverend Al, you know, they showing old pictures of you and I don’t think that’s fair. You’ve done all this work to lose all that weight, yet the pictures that they show of you are the old pictures of Reverend Al wearing the, you know, British Knight jogging suit.

    REV. AL SHARPTON: You don’t have to describe it, we’ve got the point. (LAUGHTER) I mean that’s the only embarrassing thing, and the only thing that I’m worried about are they gonna come up that my code name was Jay Anthony. (Laughter)

    MIKE EPPS: Well, you know what, Reverend? You have changed in a great way, you look great. The only thing that hasn’t changed is the Dark and Lovely. You still got the Dark and Lovely in your hair.

    REV. AL SHARPTON: And it’s a little dark and a little grey, and a little lovelier, but I appreciate it, Tom. (LAUGHTER)

    TOM JOYNER: My man, Reverend Al.

    SYBIL WILKES: Have a good convention, sir.

    REV. AL SHARPTON: Alright, thank you.


May 20, 2012
Just another attempt to discredit a black activists who is actually making sure black issues be heard and dealt with. Blacks going along with it thinking they are living the criminal life and calling him a snitch are doing just what they want you to do. I have yet to hear how Al sharpton Sold out blacks yet people keep dissing him just cause he wants money. If he did shyt for free and went every place people want him to be he would not even be around for this long.

Blacks keep falling for the okey doke.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Just another attempt to discredit a black activists who is actually making sure black issues be heard and dealt with. Blacks going along with it thinking they are living the criminal life and calling him a snitch are doing just what they want you to do. I have yet to hear how Al sharpton Sold out blacks yet people keep dissing him just cause he wants money. If he did shyt for free and went every place people want him to be he would not even be around for this long.

Blacks keep falling for the okey doke.
Why is Al Sharpton on VIDEO tape accepting a deal to buy 35K worth of Cocaine?


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
Why is Al Sharpton on VIDEO tape accepting a deal to buy 35K worth of Cocaine?

because he didn't care about the Black community then just like he doesn't care about the Black community now.

he worked for the FBI at the same time Cointelpro was in full swing, it's not a far reach to suggest Sharpton was an agent working against the Black community for self gain.


May 20, 2012
Napovideoost: 7991891 said:
Why is Al Sharpton on VIDEO tape accepting a deal to buy 35K worth of Cocaine?
Show me the video. They been coming at him for years, even I dissed him but I still realize he's the only one doing anything to make people think twice before they shyt on us or keep doing it.

EDIT: I just saw the video. He wasn't accepting a deal, a guy was talking to him about what he can do. That video shows exactly how the feds get people with conspiracy charges. Al should have stopped the convo as soon as he said coke, but al isn't street and didn't know how things go. If he accepted the deal he would have been locked up, nothing has ever happened. Don't let your enemies play you. After reading the transcript of the tom Joyner show and seeing president Obama will be speaking at Al's organization, it makes sense why they are all of a sudden talking about this stuff. Its a smear campaign to make the president look bad by associating with a so called criminal. Its bullshyt.
Last edited:


May 20, 2012
Maagen. 7992179 said:
because he didn't care about the Black community then just like he doesn't care about the Black community now.

he worked for the FBI at the same time Cointelpro was in full swing, it's not a far reach to suggest Sharpton was an agent working against the Black community for self gain.
A working agent doesnt do things for over 30 years to help the community. He would have been outed by now if he was. You cant be a 30 year snitch or agent and no one comes forward telling others about you. People who were agents have been exposed. All we hear about al is allegations from his enemies, and people who don't like him cause he's a preacher and his image of being fat with a perm.


May 20, 2012
If he didnt give the reason why he went to the feds, I would look at him strange but the mob was shytting on black artists back then. If they were going to kill him for trying to help black music exects'get some money, how else would he protect himself?. He's not a criminal and pays the feds salary since that is what they are there for, to help protect citizens from crime. He did the right thing. If he was in the life, then I would call foul in going to the feds to go against the mob, that is what certain people in the streets are for.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
If he didnt give the reason why he went to the feds, I would look at him strange but the mob was shytting on black artists back then. If they were going to kill him for trying to help black music exects'get some money, how else would he protect himself?. He's not a criminal and pays the feds salary since that is what they are there for, to help protect citizens from crime. He did the right thing. If he was in the life, then I would call foul in going to the feds to go against the mob, that is what certain people in the streets are for.

the FBI was running a program (Cointelpro) to infiltrate the Black community and the program's intent was to prevent the rise of a "Black messiah". why wouldn't the FBI use Sharpton as an asset considering how deeply integrated he was into the Black community prior to him running to them crying for help. It's beyond foolish to think such a perfect asset could fall directly into the FBI's lap and they don't use him to do their bidding.

as far as I'm concerned he's still an agent to this very day.



May 20, 2012
the FBI was running a program (Cointelpro) to infiltrate the Black community and the program's intent was to prevent the rise of a "Black messiah". why wouldn't the FBI use Sharpton as an asset considering how deeply integrated he was into the Black community prior to him running to them crying for help. It's beyond foolish to think such a perfect asset could fall directly into the FBI's lap and they don't use him to do their bidding.

as far as I'm concerned he's still an agent to this very day.

Cointelpro was during the late 50's- early 70's with J.Edgar hoover who hated black people. He was the one who made that statement about a black messiah. In the 80's the FBI would have been foolish to do the same thing. Plus,if it were true we would know by now because all the past records have to be made public after'a few years. Thats how we know about cointel. We have heard nothing on Al.