Back into the weird shyt I See, that lasted long.
I walked into Target looking for new luggage. I somehow only purchased this. He's so dreamy.
It's been a week, you can come back @Wcthesecret
Pull that racist shyt again, though, and you're gone like Matt Black
(who upped a week old thread just to basically account suicide)
I was going to wait a whole week (it would have been tomorrow)......*hugs mightyhealthy* THANK YOU TSC BASED GOD IF YOU ARE!!! I promise you, I am a changed man, that was one fukk up I made back then, and you will never, Never, NEVER, EEEEEEVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR, SEE THAT AGAIYN!!!!! ....I love you man.
...But why though, don't tell me, it's because of Matt isn't it. Or it's because of it being a week?
I was going to wait a whole week (it would have been tomorrow)...
...but since you actually made an attempt to apologize, and didn't up a thread just to spew racist epithets like Matt Black got a day off for good behavior.
You're still technically on probation in my book, though, for the two dozen posts you made in other threads about the AJ thread...and oh yeah, for telling us how you really feel about black people
Don't waste your second chance, and try to regain the credibility you lost. That's all I ask.
@BrieBarrage: AJ stomping on his heart, just how it is. #HeartStomper I am so amused by this. And proud.