“@HEELZiggler: Off to #WWEspringfield to steal the show & your girlfriend ( @WWEAJLee is totally cool with it)” I will cut a bi%€#
From when they punish for a tweet? This isn't NBA/NFL. Kids don't watch tweeter, and if they watch it, they don't watch AJ's tweeter.
It sounds like she curses like a sailor offline.
If you saw a flash of grey blow past you, cursing like a sailor, and knocking over small children at the airport this morning, that was me.
Nachos on his way to the vet for shots. Which means Im on my way to hyperventilating and cursing loudly at sweet veterinarians.
Activities that should not involve injuring myself & loud cursing but do: Laundry, walking my dog, walking in general, playing with children
You may not know me, but trust me you will. My name is April. Miss April. And this is my first time in WSU and im looking forward to it. Wrestling Jana tonight, uh, thats gonna be a pretty good match. Shes pretty good. I have a lot of respect for her, a lot of all the women in the locker room. And hopefully, at the end of the night, theyll have a lot of respect for me. Im quite sure of it, hopefully you will too. Thats Miss April. Dont forget it.
The goings on in this thread are disturbing. I think it's to excuse myself and retire.
Cleaning your boots/shoes before you enter the ring is an old school wrestling tradition. Its a sign of respect for the craft. lots of guys like Regal would always do that. I remembered her doing that on NXT for her match and it made me goMaybe you know brehs why AJ always cleans shoes before entering to the ring ?