Well done on reinforcing those people's hate for you and potentially creating future security threats.
Let's pretend for a second that we buy into the Bush notion of "War on Terror" and that the theater of operation extends throughout various states, most of whom we have not legally and constitutionally declared war on (Obviously, a lot of us don't buy into that 'new world war' shyt). You're fighting a non-conventional, asymmetrical war against the enemy that uses the civilian population as its cover and concealment, thus requiring you to seek a strategy that encourages innocent civilians from doing their best to distinguish themselves from those you are targeting. Thus, you decide to fukking bomb them on the way to a wedding. I mean, that is on the other side of the spectrum from what you would like to accomplish. This doesn't even make sense if you SUPPORT this Bush-Cheney-Obama global war. This is NOT the equivalent of doing a bombing run on a country we have declared war on and there is resulting collateral damage from misguided munitions. In this case, and in like several cases in Pakistan, these groups of people were specifically targeted and killed on what amounts to a hunch (sometimes not even a hunch). All this fancy spying, phone tapping, logging internet traffic and so on can't tell you with reasonable certainty that your target is in this motorcade.