The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom....No real benefits to VEGANOMETRY....its what the cool kids/hipsters/ yoga clique are preaching..
MY 2 cents (& no disrespect to @
Elle Driver eating habits) on the
V movement is of a SMH nature...... if you think about it, since the dawn of time man has been eating meat OUT OF NECESSITY. If it weren't necessary then our ancient ancestors would have just foraged for roots berries and the like only. Instead they not only ate animals, they followed the animals if they migrated since that was their main food source. That's how man first came to what's now our homes (geographically speaking) , by following it's food. So if we decide, as an individual, to not eat meat, are we not fighting millions of years of evolution..technically speaking ?
To conclude my ancestors both human & "pre-human" have spent hundreds of millions of years to get me to the top of the food chain. It would be grossly disrespectful of that legacy to start eating twigs and rocks under some delusion of righteousness
Man did not fashion spears from wood & stone in order to hunt down carrots. Nature is always striving towards efficiency in her designs, our large brain would be more of a hinderance if we didn't apply it to a useful purpose. And that useful purpose was to kill things to eat. Sure its side effect allowed us to construct other things and take our survival into our own hands...but at its core, our intelligence is likely just a solution to natures classic problem of finding enough food......Its true humans do not share many traits with traditional carnivores. But humans do not share a lot of their defining traits with traditional animals period. Regardless, we aren't carnivores, we're omnivores, granted that traditional carnivores are born with their tools and skills attached them. Humans fashion them from their surroundings. Human's didn't need developed canines to make the kill, or even strong jaws.
Once upon a time kicking small talk with a hot tofu eating... yoga pursuing chick;
Her: So whats your diet like?
Me: Lots of Red meat & Fish
Her: Oh... like a cavemen then
Me: No. Like a BOSS