R.E.N. Spells Ren
Most overrated show of this golden era
Its sad that all the characters keep getting recycled on these other shows that constantly get cancelled
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Never saw it, and I've been hesitant to watch it because of the overwhelming backlash to the final season. Is it still worth watching?
I always thought Josh Halloway would be the next Tom Cruise but I guess not.That blond chick stays getting work I thtink her name was Julia on lost. She was in V for Vendetta, Revolution, and now shes the snow queen on Once Upon a time. Ben hit the jackpot with PErson of Interest though
the characters, the mythology, the atmosphere it cultivates, the pacing and storytelling
this is coming from someone who originally absolutely hated the entire final season and especially the finale....but on a second viewing you're able to appreciate it, and the show itself, so much more there has never been and never will be a show like it again
breaking bad, the wire, sopranos etc are all great shows but the aura Lost had was unparalleled...almost every single episode leaving you shocked or intrigued and ready to see what happens next; I already knew everything that was gonna happen and still found myself runnin thru the seasons eager to see more, an epic mystery on that kind of scale is incredible when you really think about it
sure they could have done more in the way of answering questions viewers had about the island lore and why some things were how they were, and that's why me and a lot of other fans felt like the final season was kind of a letdown at first...but when you realize the island was just a backdrop for the characters and situations, instead of the central point of the show, it's much easier to accept it as the GOAT...don't get me wrong, I still would wanna know Jacob's brother's name, where their "mother" and her people came from, the origins of the statue and other on island shyt, but in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter and it doesn't detract from the show's greatness at all
and to think it was an ABC show, imagine what a premier network like HBO could have done with it
see ya in another life brotha
lost had so many moments like this....make you just feel good for the characters...
this shyt right here
Most overrated show of this golden era
PENNEH!!!!!! desmond was my nikka
walking dead and mad men are both on the line wanting to talk to you right meow
lost is one of the most powerful and intriguing shows ever made
idk why this gif is making me laugh so much since I was the one who made it but I'm dyin