I've been staunchly anti-WWE for right at three years now. The Hogan deal simply ensured that I stayed away. They're incredibly foul.
That said!
Hold on with the championing of AEW. They're another promotion ran by "others" who have an audience that, by far and large, predominantly consists of white America. "Pro 'rasslin' " is a good ol' boys sport, and as a consequence, a certain mindset tends to be prevalent, especially as it pertains to black wrestlers. This thread could be easily bumped three years from now, and not bevause AEW crowned a black champion.
Just sayin'.
Pump the breaks.
Cody already has his built in defense of having a black wife. I'm all in on AEW, but I'm not overzealous or naive enough to champion this new development as a bastion of racial equity. I see better than I hear, so they're going to need to show me something. In the meantime, I'll settle for AEW staying away from stereotypical gimmicks, booking black wrestlers fairly, & Khan, Rhodes, Omega, and the Bucks not being exposed via hidden camera going on racial tirades.