Both world wars only existed because the countries involved had colonies that they could force into the war and because they had trade alliances with one another.
Now there are very few formal colonies. The only empire with military bases everywhere is America and it's imploding right now.
What you're more likely to see is an economic world War. The first trade war that spans the globe with countries going shot for shot with taxes and tariffs until one of them collapses.
Right now America is in a strong position because of 2 things:
1. The reserve currency is the dollar.
2. The international payment system is dominated by American banks.
But that's changing. Countries are now selling and buying oil in other currencies. They are also using alternative payment systems instead of just the SWIFT payment system. America has sanctioned a lot of countries, and continues to have sanctions on cuba despite it not being any sort of threat.
The sanctions aren't even working. Russia isn't being hurt by those sanctions and the value of the ruble has risen. Its improved the relationship between China and Russia now.
And now a blatant racist who is economically illiterate is president and will surround himself with dikksuckers who are every bit as stupid as him because he cares more about loyalty than intelligence. The median age of white Americans is 43, the population is aging and instead of investing in breaking wall street's greed and investing aggressively in housing, healthcare, and education to make young people multiply, they'll do the exact OPPOSITE. They'll privatize as much as they can, making people who already can't afford shyt pay for things they didn't have to pay for before, further ensuring that the only people multiplying are people who already have a lot of money. Republicans are literally trying to turn America into a feudalist society where the majority are peasants selling their labor to increasingly stronger landlords and businesses.84