It's mind numbing. WIth the size of their black population there shouldn't be a single reason why Afro-Brazilians aren't running shyt there. Unfortunately the white minority has brainwashed them fools into thinking they live in racial Utopia where there is no race only "Brazilians". Yet if that were true 15% of the population wouldn't dominate the media and wealth there.
At the bold:
-The 50% or more figure we hear over and over is actually if you combine those that declare themselves as black AND those that declare themselves Pardo, or mixed.
Pardo: 43.13% of the population
Black: 7.6% of the population.
Meanwhile, the white population: 47.7% of the population.
So no, the black population is not that big, only 14 millions out of 200+ million.
Now, is it possible that some that claim pardo are actually black, as far outsiders are concerned? Sure. Are there pardos that acknowledge whatever African ancestry they may have? Most def. But let's be clear, the black population, as in those that actually declare themselves as black, is not that big. They are a minority. Add the fact that they historically haven't been in a position of power and the racial dynamics as they are today, and we have what we have.
Brazilians coli brehs and those who have visited Brazil, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong somehow. I'm open to learn a thing or two.