Afro-Arabs are Arabized Sudanese, Arabized Swahilis and blacks in the Arabian peninsula.
Arabised Chadians as well.
Afro-Arabs are Arabized Sudanese, Arabized Swahilis and blacks in the Arabian peninsula.
I know some Palestinian Arabs who look like light skin Africans or mixed race, not sure they consider themselves "Afro-Arab" tho
There are even more Saudis who look like your average light skin AA, but they are seen as normal Arabs especially if they're from one of the main tribes. You could have people from the exact same tribe yet one looks like a cac and the other looks light skin black. The children of slave masters and slave women inherited the tribe and lineage of their father. But then you also have a class of people in some parts of the Gulf who are descended from black slaves, they are Nationals of those Arab countries, but they treated like lesser citizens. I met some when I lived the UAE.
Like the Akhdam ("servants") in Yemen who are extremely impoverished and are treated poorly.
It's very complicated and it depends a lot on ppls lineage. You have Arabs in Arabia (not arabized Arabs, I mean ethics Arabs) who look African yet they are seen as pure Arabs due to their lineage. Meanwhile you have Arabs who look exactly the same as the former group, but they are seen as arabized Africans.
These are all Bedouin Arabs who clearly have some black influence. Even the way they used to dress and do their hair reminds of how Cushyte nomads like the Afar, Beja and Somalis used to dress. But they would not be regarded as "Afro-Arab" in Arabia due to their lineage.
Why would the average American know that when most Arabs in the US are white ?Why don't you all know that the first people who settled Arabia were dark skin Afrikans
And it was a black land from mid east to South Africa until a few thousand yrs ago
Why would the average American know that when most Arabs in the US are white ?
don't you live in the States? you know damn well Americans know nothing about outside the US
Because Americans have the most access to information and history
yes the majority of Arabs in the US are Lebanese/Syrian (who look indistinguishable from Europeans)I will assume the majority of the "Arabs" you see in the states is from the Levant. I was wondering do you see Arabs that look like these guys? video below
True Arabians
When i was visiting friend by UCLA Los Angeles you see those types(video above) around the area, however most of those guys were from Saudi and Yemen i recall. Students at the university i think.
Loldon't you live in the States? you know damn well Americans know nothing about outside the US
Americans think Africa is a country and all black people are exactly the same
Americans think anyone speaking Spanish is Mexican
Most Americans can't identify Afghanistan or Iraq on a map
yes the majority of Arabs in the US are Lebanese/Syrian (who look indistinguishable from Europeans)
there aren't that many arabs in the US
in my personal experience, the ones that look like the guys in the video tend to by Egyptians or Yemenis who are increasing in number
most Muslims in the US aren't Arabs and large amount of Arab Americans aren't Muslim
Whats really hilarious is the census counts Arabs as whites and also includes Somalians in their Arab count
where i'm from and where i am now have a lot of Arabs but if they weren't wearing their traditional garb they'd look white
How about those Sudanese Arabs? They are heavily J1 and are similar in genetic makeup to Horners( 50/50) on averageAfro-Arabs are Arabized Sudanese, Arabized Swahilis and blacks in the Arabian peninsula.
Keyword. "Arabized." Meaning Arabized culture/ethnicity. I know Sudanese are not real Arabs i.e Gulf Arabs.How about those Sudanese Arabs? They are heavily J1 and are similar in genetic makeup to Horners( 50/50) on average
The influence was the other way around...even during the Prophet's time Arabs wore the macaawis which they called izaar.These are all Bedouin Arabs who clearly have some black influence. Even the way they used to dress and do their hair reminds of how Cushyte nomads like the Afar, Beja and Somalis used to dress. But they would not be regarded as "Afro-Arab" in Arabia due to their lineage.