Africans sold Africans to Europeans, but to what extent?


May 20, 2012
i am talking about comparing yourself to living or recently living people in a database
But that is nothing compared to the people in your family tree. If you go on one generation which is around 20-22years, there are a shyt load of people who made an impact on our lives we would have never met due to dying, if we go back just five generations. A lot of those people could have looked, or had a totally different religion then we practice now.

The point is, DNA testing is nothing but entertainment for our egos, or to spread false truths through manipulation. UNLESS you have a small group who never mingled with other groups, kept to themselves, and can be traced back a long time. Unfortunately, when talking about jews we can only go by the group who is known today as being jews, and compare dna to that group BUT, it doesn't mean they are really the jews of the bible. An example would be a mother who has a male child and because she has no y chromosome, the child won't be able to trace back his ancestry on her fathers side. In this case, jews use the priests who are men to find a connection but, what if one priest had no male children?. That means you can start a new lineage based off of the new male child, as long as he makes sure he has male children in his family, and his offspring continue to do so. What if that new lineage which includes culture and a way of life, is not the original way that the mother was raised with?. This can be the history of jews(no disrespect to them just making a statement) or any history that is not truthful or original compared to how, where, or who it started from. Remember the whole reason why jews claim Israel is because they say they can trace their roots to the bible. The real question should be to WHO in the bible, and if that person is connected in blood to the original forefather that was to inherent Israel. Unless we can identify the lineage, AND the culture being practiced as it was originally intended to be, we can't say the jews now ARE the original jews.

Damn, I'm really looking at life so different now. It is meant for men to be competitive, and pass our genes down. Even if we cheat like men can today with all the bullshyt we can do such as having money or lifting weights, if our immune systems or internal systems aren't strong, we will have female children, and that will kill you gene pool also(the male lineage). She will be an offshoot of the women in her family, and yours, but the men will die down. Now I see why men were so valued in ancient times, and man was a king which meant he was closest to god, he was able to pass BOTH genes while the woman was only able to pass one of the chromosomes.

MEN VALUE YOURSELVES BECAUSE IF YOU ARE A STRONG, HEALTHY MAN, YOU ARE PRICELESS. I always knew this but, this new information gives it a whole new light. This also means, take care of your mental health because, you can also bring about a fukked up community by passing on a weak mind. This can be a smart people but very violent and scared of new people or a community of low level thinking people who are selfish, and fight with each other. The community really does start with the man!. He is the one who brings about the things the woman dreams of. This is why most women have good ideas but, never really do anything with them. It is men who bring things into fruition. This is why most men tend to do things their mothers wanted from them or what their wives want from them. I see now it is important to have the proper women in your life because if not they will guide you in the wrong direction.

This also makes me ask the question, DID JESUS HAVE CHILDREN?. Since man was tainted with the blood of satan, and jesus was not born from a man, he obviously came here to defeat the seed of satan by giving birth to children who have his bloodline. This can be why it states in genesis "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel." That could mean people who have his blood in them will destroy the thinking that comes with having satan in your blood, and satan will cause them bodily harm. In other words it will be a changing of the way we think, although with a fight. Damn, my mind is racing now.
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Jul 19, 2013
Worry about the present.
Its not like your gonna learn & do something about it.
This whole thread is going to be wasted energy.
Please prove me wrong.

Learning about history is important, especially when so much of it is skewed one way or another. If we don't learn from our own history and blindly accept other peoples take on it, we open ourselves up to repeating the negative aspects of it.
You assume I'm not gonna learn or do something about it and that's a fair assumption since this is the internet. But what if some lurker or another poster reads this, learns something, and decides to do something? Isn't that worth the "wasted energy"? I contribute what I can to those who need a lil help in Africa, and God willing I'll put myself in a position to do more. I've also learned about a few different perspectives on this topic. Hopefully you and other posters do the same:salute: