African repatriation via marriage

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
What are yalls thoughts on the pros & cons / logistics of African repatriation via marriage?:patrice:

There are a couple things I know I want to leave behind for my future offspring & current family...

1. Family business that generates capital for my children so that they can operate in the world without incurring debt for the basics of life.(Food, housing, clothing, health care, education, transportation)

2. Land and a home in Africa that they could go to any time.

3. Extended Family infrastructure that deals with the needs of not only my wife & kids but my blood relatives and their spouses which includes...
  • Family education 503c - where federal/state taxes can be stashed(written off) & invested so that our collective children can use those funds for university instead getting loans from the government which bleed us via interest payments.
  • Family Real estate holdings - Houses our students can live in instead of paying room and board, our newlyweds can live in to situate themselves, and/or family can rent out for revenue.
  • Family investment portfolio - Real estate, stocks, and revenue generated by sub entities that are invested in the market to generate capital the extended family can use for various projects.
  • Family lending structure - Business, home, and car loans that are financed within the family instead of having to take outside loans that bleed family capital via interest payments.
  • Family Business structure - String of independent businesses owned by various extended family members who had viable ideas financed by the family and that serve as the primary employer of our own family members.
With the above three things stated; I've been thinking from the beginning that I want to eventually do business in the Caribbean & Africa. That said I'm not naive enough to think I can just walk up and do competent business without finding decent people to partner with on the ground who know the people and "lay of the land". That said I've been giving serious thought about marrying into a family that already engages in small scale business in Africa instead of trying to find a random business partner I can trust from scratch.

This way I can pull from the human resources of the family while simultaneously being useful myself by providing employment and family/business contacts in the states if they wanted to move/visit the U.S. I'd also meet the wish to provide my future children with a home base and family contacts on the continent.

I'm just wondering about the dynamics of such a process. :jbhmm: I'd imagine finding a wife wouldn't be so hard as finding a family I gel with.(I'm from Alabama family is very important to me, its not just a question of do i along with the girl)


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
I'd say it's more of a "two birds with one stone" situation as opposed to anything in general against African American women. :jbhmm:

There are not a shortage of men in African nations.

Every quality AA man who leaves our community given our gender ratio imbalance hurts our community.

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
There are not a shortage of men in African nations.

Every quality AA man who leaves our community given our gender ratio imbalance hurts our community.

No disagreements there either...

It's simply tangential/collateral to the issue... that said I did ask...

What are yalls thoughts on the pros & cons / logistics of African repatriation via marriage?:patrice:

...and that is definitely a con(guess I wasn't expecting that angle(impact on home) but I appreciate you bringing it up non the less :tu:)

AB Ziggy

Dec 14, 2012
What are yalls thoughts on the pros & cons / logistics of African repatriation via marriage?:patrice:

There are a couple things I know I want to leave behind for my future offspring & current family...

1. Family business that generates capital for my children so that they can operate in the world without incurring debt for the basics of life.(Food, housing, clothing, health care, education, transportation)

2. Land and a home in Africa that they could go to any time.

3. Extended Family infrastructure that deals with the needs of not only my wife & kids but my blood relatives and their spouses which includes...
  • Family education 503c - where federal/state taxes can be stashed(written off) & invested so that our collective children can use those funds for university instead getting loans from the government which bleed us via interest payments.
  • Family Real estate holdings - Houses our students can live in instead of paying room and board, our newlyweds can live in to situate themselves, and/or family can rent out for revenue.
  • Family investment portfolio - Real estate, stocks, and revenue generated by sub entities that are invested in the market to generate capital the extended family can use for various projects.
  • Family lending structure - Business, home, and car loans that are financed within the family instead of having to take outside loans that bleed family capital via interest payments.
  • Family Business structure - String of independent businesses owned by various extended family members who had viable ideas financed by the family and that serve as the primary employer of our own family members.
With the above three things stated; I've been thinking from the beginning that I want to eventually do business in the Caribbean & Africa. That said I'm not naive enough to think I can just walk up and do competent business without finding decent people to partner with on the ground who know the people and "lay of the land". That said I've been giving serious thought about marrying into a family that already engages in small scale business in Africa instead of trying to find a random business partner I can trust from scratch.

This way I can pull from the human resources of the family while simultaneously being useful myself by providing employment and family/business contacts in the states if they wanted to move/visit the U.S. I'd also meet the wish to provide my future children with a home base and family contacts on the continent.

I'm just wondering about the dynamics of such a process. :jbhmm: I'd imagine finding a wife wouldn't be so hard as finding a family I gel with.(I'm from Alabama family is very important to me, its not just a question of do i along with the girl)

The question is, what do you offer that an African man already doesn't already have? Especially as they may also have properties and relatives abroard.

African men marry out all the time, but African women is a different ball game. Women usually prefer to stay with what's familiar to them than the men.

Third, do you actually love the person for who they are rather than the idea of them being African and their access to resources on the continent.

I can tell you as an African myself, dating an African girl is WORK. It's much more than just the fetish of feeling connected to the motherland though her.
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Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
The question is, what do you offer that an African man already doesn't already have? Especially as they may also have properties and relatives abroard.

African men marry out all the time, but African women is a different ball game. Women usually prefer to stay with what's familiar to them than the men.

Third, do you actually love the person for who they are rather than the idea of them being African and their access to resources on the continent.

I can tell you as an African myself, dating an African girl is WORK. It's much more than just the fetish of feeling connected to the motherland though her.

I wrote this reply below in another thread yesterday and remembered this thread post today. It's about as relevant a reply I'd care to give.

If I was speaking to my [imaginary future daughter] I'd tell her this isn't a Disney movie. Don't worry about knowing/telling if he is in love with you. Only he can/needs to be clear on how he feels about you. Now even if we are talking something like marriage, I maintain the same stance. Unless you out here proposing to him the only move you need to make is to clearly state your expectations. If your looking for a serious relationship or marriage clearly state such. If he doesn't treat you as though your in a serious relationship or takes to long to propose; give him notice that this isn't what you want and if no changes or plans are made ....bounce.

With that said, what you need to know [imaginary daughters name here] is...:ufdup:
  1. Are his intentions in the relationship to both your benefit?(If I rob you at gunpoint or sweet talk you out of money my intentions are still to rob you)
  2. Do you genuinely like his company?(you can't account for anyones emotions but yourself)
  3. Can you spend regular prolonged time together with little to no major conflict?
  4. Can you make & execute plans together with little to no major conflict?
  5. Does he protect your body & emotional stability, listen to your opinion, utilize your advice, and refrain from putting you in a position to lose time & resources?
  6. Does he provide his opinion, advice, critique, & available resources in support of your endeavors?
  7. Are you genuinely attracted to him?(you can't account for anyones emotions but yourself)
  8. Do you & him know each others parents, family, & friends?
  9. Do you & him make an effort to get along with each others parents, family, & friends?
  10. Is he respectful to other women?
  11. Do you ever see him doing anything you consider inappropriate with other women?
I don't know about his "love" for you, but as long as those are meet I think your on solid ground [imaginary daughters name here]. :ehh:

NOTE: I didn't reply previously because your response came across as ....Mmm(offensive is to strong a word) - if I had to use a smiley it would be :comeon: or :what:

Neutral example: It's like asking for info on an suv for a family...

What's the plus & minus of acquiring an suv for my family, here are a couple of intentions & goals I have for my family?
  • My family does alot of road trips,
  • I do alot of fishing & camping with the kids,
  • my wife would use it for hauling our kids band instruments,
  • My wife likes to take her bike out on rides and i'm curious would a couple bikes fit in one of your suvs
  • etc, etc )
Then the guy i'm asking questions of starts saying...
  • Well why should they sale you an suv over someone else?
  • Are you really up for the work of driving an suv?
  • Do you actually like suvs or do you just want something to haul stuff in?
  • You know if you got a wife you better put both of you on the insurance?
I'm gonna look at dude on some ... dafuq you talking bout breh :what: ...all these damn ancillary questions instead of what i'm talking about :comeon:Can my kids tuba & saxophone fit in one of these suvs or nah?:beli:

To be clear I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with your comments/questions, they just came off as outta place.
If I said some "aye, were da big booty kenyan bytches at:smugdraper:" ....then ok get at me:hubie::pachaha: