Use of the word Akata on Twitter
In the past 10 years with the explosion of twitter use, we are allowed an insight into the minds of people that we may not get from a personal interaction. It is something about twitter that makes people say what on their minds. Because of this, for the first time Native Black Americans were able to see on display how we were classified as a whole by a large part of Nigerian society. Many 1st and 2nd generation Nigerians Americans took to twitter to voice their frustration with Native Black Americans or “Akatas”, for simply just existing. According to many twitter users from Nigeria, Akatas are lazy, ghetto and loud. According to many Nigerians, their parents warned them against marrying “Akatas” and threatened consequences if they did. They call it the “Don’t marry an Akata talk”.
“You know your African when your mom can marry anyone you want but PLEASE dont bring home an akata man to me!” @_LadyLuckk Apr 9, 2010
“1. dont marry an akata 2. dont get arrested. i’ll not bail U out. 3. dont join the air force, marines & such. 4. dont get any1 pregnant.” @adewus4real Oct 25, 2012
Recently a group of Naija Americans? not wanting to be publicly associated with the racism deeply ingrained in Nigerian society towards Black Americans began to launch an effort to willfully deceive people about the word Akata and the way it is used. Some began to change definitions in online dictionaries and translations to make Akata seem like a positive term. “Contrary to popular opinion among non-Yorubas and some
"); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px); background-repeat: repeat no-repeat;">Nigerians or Africans, who does not understand this word, akata does not mean cotton
"); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px); background-repeat: repeat no-repeat;">picker or slave and it is not derogatory”
"); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px); background-repeat: repeat no-repeat;">[vii].
Some of them even suggested that the term in its original meaning of “Wild animal” or “wild cat” was ascribed to Native Blacks because the Black Panther Party used a panther as their logo and that was one of the well known groups in the 1960s. None of these rebuttals are plausible nor do they make any sense and besides there are many Nigerians who openly admitted what the word means and how it is used.