The black man is always targeted.
SHIB about to have a lot of y’all CRYINGi suspect hedgefunds pump it and dump it periodically to cover their other positions. god i hope too many people dont get hurt.
Tried to warn y’all

SHIB about to have a lot of y’all CRYINGi suspect hedgefunds pump it and dump it periodically to cover their other positions. god i hope too many people dont get hurt.
I hope it works out for us.
Where is any new "Black wealth" coming from? If Black folk own more, then doesn't that mean those who have made gains are making them off the backs of the other Black folk who invested later?
Unless he's saying that black folk were the earliest adopters and the white folk and whales came in later, so the white folk and whales are the ones who pushed black profits. Could very well be the exact opposite.
It's going to happeni suspect hedgefunds pump it and dump it periodically to cover their other positions. god i hope too many people dont get hurt.
you dont know the HALFi suspect hedgefunds pump it and dump it periodically to cover their other positions. god i hope too many people dont get hurt.
It's going to happen
Many of my friends keep popping up with a new coin every week talking about "WE MISSING OUT!!"
I won't lie, if I had dropped a few racks into Shiba Inu back in March, I'd be up a few million bucks by now
However, this shyt isn't backed by anything and at any moment, the shyt can dissolve into nothingness
And a lot of Black people are gonna be so desperate in these days and times they're gonna fukk around and put a lot of their money into this shyt and possibly lose it all
Yes...I know we can lose it all in the stock market but let me give you good a example:
A few years ago when Apple stock was about $100+ a share, a homie hit me up asking me yoooo what should I invest in???
He's like yo I got $10K to play around with...I'm like fam just buy Apple stock and leave it alone....that shyt will go up to 900+ and you'll make good money that you can use to flip into something else
He ignores me
Apple stock split....what...barely a year ago?
He'd be up ~$100K by now man....easy...and that's NOT factoring in the additional shares he would have bought along the way![]()
Maybe, maybe not it should be contingent on the coli to educate black folks when investing in crypto...Found a new way to exploit African-Americans and pull even more capital out of their "rise and grind" ventures than the white population![]()
Read my post above.Maybe, maybe not it should be contingent on the coli to educate black folks when investing in crypto...look at the racial make up of wall street shyt is like 90% white...
why cant a sizeable chunk of black folks establish themselves with crypto spaces?! Everyone loses money but people make money too. I want our people to prosper fukk that...
Read my post above.
Black participation in cryptocurrency schemes will not create any prosperity. Not by any stretch of the imagination.
This is how class reproduction works - cryptocurrency schemes will help the wealthy and the wealthy only - as they've already been doing.
This fantasy of greater Black participation = greater piece of the pie for Black people is just that: a fantasy.