All Star
Well that explains what fermented your views.
Notice how he doesn't go into why people believe in it, just talks down and reduces it to "quasi religious get rich quick cult" and compares it to the legacy finance system and it's "regulations".As if this deeply corrupt system isn't on the brink of the 3rd or 4th financial collapse in our lifetime. Dude just sounds like your typical pompus legacy finance type, I hope you develop some of your own ideas instead of inhaling fumes from that ass.
The one thing he had right is that it IS about finance. Thats the innovation here. Attachment to blockchain was born because of regulatory failings of the SEC and the endless book cooking on Wallstreet. It makes Market Makers and the DTCC obsolete and thats why legacy finance types hate it so much. They're mad they can't do all the rug pulling
And blockchain tech has surpassed paypal and credit card system in payment processing speeds (Layer2 Eth) so his criticisms are either uniformed or outdated. I don't know when this was written.
First seen on on November 28th, '21.