African American inventions


May 12, 2014
Marie Van Brittan Brown and her husband, Albert, created an early closed-circuit television system to be used for home monitoring. That security system was the forerunner of all advanced home security technology in use today.


May 12, 2014
On October 11, 1887, Alexander Miles patented his revolutionary invention, the electric elevator. Miles did not invent the first elevator, but he made improvements that are still in use today. Before Miles invented the electric elevator, elevators were generally powered by steam.

Miles invented shaft doors that opened and closed automatically along with the elevator doors. Before his invention, an elevator conductor had to manually pull the doors closed. If the conductor forgot to do that, or if there was no conductor, the shaft was exposed, creating a safety hazard for passengers in the elevator and people on other floors.

If the shaft door was not closed, it would sometimes lead to accidents with people falling down an elevator shaft when they expected to step into the elevator. Miles’ invention dramatically improved safety by protecting passengers from the elevator shaft.

Miles attached a flexible belt to the elevator cage. When the belt came in contact with drums just above and below the floors along the elevator shaft, the elevator shaft doors opened at appropriate times. The doors were automated with a series of levers and rollers.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
I don't know if these inventions were mentioned, but I will state them again:

1. A Black woman from New Jersey named Alice Parker invented the gas furnace.

Glimpse of History: Morristown resident's invention keeps us warm to this day


Very little is known about Alice Parker’s early life in Morristown. The only available records show that the African-American woman was born in the municipality, attended Howard University, and returned to the community after graduation.

This photograph shows Parker, who is credited with inventing the heating furnace, in her younger years. According to, natural gas was being used for a number of industrial heating applications in the early years of the 20th century, yet no one had considered the possibility of using it as a form of heat for homes and businesses.

Parker pioneered the idea of using a single source of heat, centrally located, to provide warmth via air pipes to a home. She submitted a design for a patent that illustrated a gas-fired “heating furnace” and the patent was granted to her on Dec. 23, 1919. Her initial designs, although never actually used in any home or business, laid the groundwork for the various forms of central heating in use in homes today.

Glimpse of History: Morristown resident's invention keeps us warm to this day

Alice Parker’s Wonderful Invention

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
A Black woman named Marie Van Brittan Brown invented CCTV/Home Security System.

This African American woman invented your home security system
The peephole would never be the same again


Detail of Marie Van Brittan Brown’s original design for a home security system. (U.S. Patent and Trademark Office)


Marie Van Brittan Brown felt uneasy in her neighborhood and the police were unreliable. So, she took matters in her own hands and patented the modern home security system. Over 50 years later, the technology is installed in millions of homes and offices worldwide.

Brown was a 43-year-old African American nurse who worked long, late hours before returning home to Jamaica, Queens in New York City. Her husband, Albert Brown, an electronics technician, was away many nights. Crime in their neighborhood was high, and police were often slow to respond to emergency calls.

Brown needed a way to feel safer in her apartment. Specifically, she wanted a way to see and hear who was at the door — from any room in the house.

In 1966, Brown designed a closed-circuit security system that monitored visitors via camera and projected their images onto a television monitor. Not only that, a panic button contacted the police immediately. Brown envisioned a series of three to four peepholes at various heights; a camera would slide over these peepholes to assess the outside area. A radio-controlled wireless system would transfer the image to a monitor, or set of monitors, positioned anywhere in the residence. At the monitor, a resident could not only see who was at the door, she could also talk with that person via a set of two-way microphones. A remote control option allowed her to lock or unlock the door from a safe, or more convenient distance.

Brown filed the patent for her “home security system utilizing television surveillance” on August 1, 1966. Her husband’s name got second billing. It was the first patent of its kind.

The Browns’ application was impressive, drawing on existing closed-circuit television technology mainly used in military surveillance. A German engineer by the name of Walter Burch had developed camera-monitoring systems in 1942 in order to observe Nazi V-2 rocket testing from a safe distance. Brown’s security system brought “CCTV” use into the home.

Three years after filing, Brown was awarded her patent on December 2, 1969. The New York Times reported the story on December 6. It listed Albert Brown’s name first, followed by “his wife, Marie,” and continued, “With the patented system, a woman alone in the house could alarm the neighborhood immediately by pressing a button, and installed in a doctor’s office it might prevent holdups by drug addicts.” When asked about next steps, Brown said she planned to install the device in their Queens home and explore manufacturing options.

Though evidence suggests the Browns did not pursue commercial opportunities, their invention inspired many versions of home security systems we use today, in single-family homes, apartment buildings, and small businesses. Beyond the simple alarm system, camera-based security systems help with everything from personal safety to improved mail delivery. By 2013, more than a dozen inventors had cited the Brown patent for their own devices. Brown later received an award from the National Scientists Committee.

Finally, the popularity and potential of Brown’s device also led to the more prevalent CCTV surveillance in public areas, a.k.a Big Brother. According to a 2016 New Scientist report, 100 million concealed closed-circuit cameras are now in operation worldwide. Now we’re the ones being watched, whether we knocked or not.

Marie Van Brittan Brown died on February 2, 1999.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
Oh yea and a Black man named Phillip Downing invented the mailbox.


In 1891, anyone interested in mailing a letter would have to make the long trip to the post office. Philip B. Downing designed a metal box with four legs which he patented on October 27, 1891. He called his device a street letter box and it is the predecessor of today’s mailbox.

One year earlier, Downing patented an electrical switch for railroads which allowed railroad workers to supply or shut off power to trains at appropriate times. Based on this design, innovators would later create electrical switches such as light switches used in the home.

Philip Downing | The Black Inventor Online Museum


Jun 22, 2014


Valerie L. Thomas

(born February 1943) is an African-American scientist and inventor. She invented the Illusion Transmitter, for which she received a patent in 1980.

In 1964,[3] Thomas began working for NASA as a data analyst.[4] She developed real-time computer data systems to support satellite operations control centers (1964-1970) and oversaw the creation of the Landsat program (1970-1981), becoming an international expert in Landsat data products. In 1974 Valerie headed a team of approximately 50 people for the Large Area Crop Inventory Experiment (LACIE), a joint effort with NASA's Johnson Space Center, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. LACIE demonstrated the feasibility of using space technology to automate the process of predicting wheat yield on a worldwide basis.[5] In 1976, she attended an exhibition that included an illusion of a light bulb that was lit, even though it had been removed from its socket. The illusion, which involved another light bulb and concave mirrors, inspired Thomas. Curious about how light and concave mirrors could be used in her work at NASA, she began her research in 1977. This involved creating an experiment in which she observed how the position of a concave mirror would affect the real object that it reflected. Using this technology, she would invent the illusion transmitter.[2] On October 21, 1980,[4] she obtained the patent for the illusion transmitter, a device that NASA continues to use today.

In 1985, she was the NSSDC Computer Facility manager responsible for a major consolidation and reconfiguration of two previously independent computer facilities and infused it with new technology. She then served as the Space Physics Analysis Network (SPAN) project manager from 1986-1990 during a period when SPAN underwent a major reconfiguration and grew from a scientific network with about 100 computer nodes to one directly connecting about 2,700 computer nodes worldwide. In 1990 SPAN became a major part of NASA's science networking and today's Internet.[5] She also participated in projects related to Halley's Comet, ozone research, satellite technology and the Voyager spacecraft.

She retired from NASA and her positions of associate chief of NASA's Space Science Data Operations Office,manager of the NASA Automated Systems Incident Response Capability and as chair of the Space Science Data Operations Office Education Committee.[3] at the end of August 1995.

Postretirement, Valerie Thomas serves as an associate at the UMBC Center for Multicore Hybrid Productivity Research.[6] She continued to serve as a mentor for youth through the Science Mathematics Aerospace Research and Technology and National Technical Association.[2][4]

honed her skills at NASA, where she and her team developed the first satellite to send images from space (Landsat). She also worked on computer programs used for research on Haley’s Comet and the ozone hole. In the mid-’70s, she began experimenting with concave mirrors and finally patented a 3-D Illusion Transmitter in 1980. Today, NASA uses the technology, doctors use it for medical imaging, and when you watch your 3-D television, thank Valerie Thomas.

Thomas was always fascinated with electronics and technology from a young age, but being a girl, was not encouraged to pursue these interests. When she enrolled at Morgan State University, she decided to embrace them. She became one of two women in her class to major in physics. After graduation she began working at NASA in 1964 at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). She helped to develop real-time computer data systems for satellite operations control centers. Then from 1970 to 1981 she managed the development of the Landsat image processing data systems, the first satellite to send images from outer space. According to NASA, “The Landsat Program provides the longest continuous space-based record of Earth’s land in existence. Since 1972, Landsat satellites have collected measurements of Earth’s continents and surrounding coastal regions that have enabled people to study forests, food production, water and land use, ecosystems, geology, and more.”

During this period, she started experimenting with image transmission. In 1980, she patented her illusion transmitter. The invention is a television-like system for transmitting an illusion of an object. The invention was based on the properties of mirrors. A regular flat mirror shows a reflection of an object appearing behind the glass surface. A concave mirror presents a reflection that appears in front of the glass, which creates the 3D illusion. This was the beginning of 3D technology. The transmitter was first implemented in studying space phenomena and is still used to analyze images of distant space entities. Thomas’s technology was the groundwork for 3D movies and televisions today.

Thomas continued to work for NASA until her retirement in 1995 as the associate chief of the Space Science Data Operations Office. She has received a number of awards including the GSFC Award of Merit, the highest award given by the GSFC, and the NASA Equal Opportunity Medal. Her dedication to science, technology and paving a way for other Black women in math and science definitely qualify Valerie Thomas as an honorary fanbro.

To sum up what this technology is, would be to call it early 3D technology. We are now utilizing her techniques for our in home televisions among other up and coming new devices which are capable. To be more technical, the illusion transmitter uses a concave mirror on the transmitting end as well as on the receiving end to produce optical illusion images. A very technical process for what seems like something so simple and soon to be very common technology.

This technology was invented for and at NASAs headquarters but is the initial premise for how 3D technology works. What this patent does (the process) which is different from a holograph as it is an illusion transmitter, is it creates an optical illusion by placing parabolic mirrors that are conceived to create a parallax view of the subject which appears 3-dimensional to viewers. Parallax view – The effect whereby the position or direction of an object appears to differ when viewed from different positions. What she did was take the various views of the view created and rendered an “illusion” or in more basic terms, created the first 3D technology. While this was first used for observing Haley’s Comet and other space phenomena, the process quickly became something NASA used and continues to use to analyze images of distant entities in space in a 3-dimensional illusionated view. The transition of this into our everyday lives can be seen in the new and ever improving television sets which the majority of western culture has. Technology that is being utilized in our space exploration also has implications and uses for our everyday lives. The 3D technology/illusion transmitter is just one of NASAs other different technologies that are utilized for everyday use as our culture has progressed.

Here is what the actual Patent diagram looks like:

It was in the Late 70’s where her experiments with flat mirrors and concave mirrors led her to her ultimate discovery of the Illusion Transmitter. How does it work exactly? It’s a very difficult concept to see on paper in technical terms, but when you actually think about what it is achieving (and how simple it is) it really is a pretty ingenious idea. How it works: Flat mirrors, provide a reflection of an object that is behind the glass surface (this is our everyday mirror). A concave mirror house presents a reflection that appears to exist in front of the glass which is what ultimately creates the 3D look or illusion. Thomas used these images she created to hopefully provide a more accurately of showing data. The process was initially viewed and used for NASA, but she was not quick to realize the commercial potential for the 3D illusion/delivery process.

Although 3D technology is traced back to the beginning of photography, “In 1844 David Brewster invented the Stereoscope. It was a new invention that could take photographic images in 3D” it was The Illusion Transmitter that really paved the way for 3D anime and film to achieve what Illusionist Photographers had been achieving in years prior. This illusion shows multiple images combined to show a 3d effect when used with special viewing lenses or 3D glasses– the same idea essentially behind the Illusion Transmitter.


Jun 22, 2014

Percy Lavon Julian
(April 11, 1899 – April 19, 1975) was an African American research chemist and a pioneer in the chemical synthesis of medicinal drugs from plants.[1] He was the first to synthesize the natural product physostigmine, and a pioneer in the industrial large-scale chemical synthesis of the human hormones progesterone and testosterone from plant sterols such as stigmasterol and sitosterol. His work laid the foundation for the steroid drug industry's production of cortisone, other corticosteroids, and birth control pills.[2][3][4]

He later started his own company to synthesize steroid intermediates from the wild Mexican yam. His work helped greatly reduce the cost of steroid intermediates to large multinational pharmaceutical companies, helping to significantly expand the use of several important drugs.[5][6]

Julian received more than 130 chemical patents. He was one of the first African Americans to receive a doctorate in chemistry. He was the first African-American chemist inducted into the National Academy of Sciences, and the second African-American scientist inducted (behind David Blackwell) from any field.[5]





Jun 22, 2014


Emmett Chappelle

is a scientist who made valuable contributions in the fields of medicine, philanthropy, food science, and Astrochemistry.

Emmett Chappelle is the recipient of 14 U.S. patents and was recently recognized as one of the 100 most distinguished African American scientists and engineers of the 20th Century. He started with NASA in 1966 in support of its manned space flight initiatives. He pioneered the development of the ingredients ubiquitous in all cellular material. Later, he developed techniques that are still widely used for the detection of bacteria in urine, blood, spinal fluids, drinking water and foods.

Emmett W. Chappelle was born on October, 1925 in Phoenix, Arizona to Viola White Chappelle and Isom Chappelle. Chappelle’s family grew cotton and owned a herd of cattle. Immediately after graduating form the Phoenix Union Colored High School, in 1942, Chappelle was drafted into the U.S. Army. After his service in Italy, he went on to earn an A.A. degree from Phoenix College, a B.S. degree in biology from UC Berkley, and an M.S. degree in biology from the University of Washington. Chappelle pursued his Ph.D. at Stanford University, but did not end up completing his studies.

In 1958, at the Research Institute for Advanced Studies, Chappelle began researching a technique to oxygenize the space environment to ensure the survival of astronauts. He started work at Hazelton Laboratories in 1963 and later joined NASA in 1966. At NASA Chappelle was an integral part of the Goddard Space Flight Center. He focused his research on luminescence. Luminescence is “the emission of light from a substance that has not been heated”. Chappelle’s discoveries in the field of bioluminescence led to a unique procedure to determine if a place contained life.

Chappelle worked alongside Grace Picciolo and invented a method to detect adenosine triphosphate (ATP). He figured out a way to determine the presence of ATP through the usage of a “firefly bioluminescent assay”. By introducing the luciferase enzyme and luciferin (chemicals from a firefly’s lantern) into an environment an organism will illuminate proportionate to the amount of ATP it is using. Through the usage of a photo-multiplier it would be possible to detect photons released from the production of ATP. A low flying aircraft could be used to determine the scope of life on a landscape through photon detection. Since most life as we know it produces ATP to live this method would detect the ATP released through cell mitochondrion and photosynthesis.

If ATP was detected on Mars, it would create an even greater case for life on Mars. Chappelle contributed to many discoveries that furthered NASA’s research and he holds over 14 patents for his discoveries. Chappelle has been honored as one of the top African-American scientists and engineers of the 20th century and received the Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal from NASA. He was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2007.