No, I meant I've seen Islanders and Africans call themselves AA...shyt I've seen some Africans say AA means Black immigrants to America from Africa
Oh. Well then they're 100% wrong. Because like I repeated many times African-American = "people defined as being the decedents of African slaves brought and settled via the transatlantic slave trade who bore descendants that were born free or were born slaves then freed legally or through maroonage in what is today the United States of America."
Ypu can't call Africans moving to America this as the
hyphen separating the "African" & "American" part of African-American is not two words that represent an "ancestry-nationality" meaning.
It's one word or a compound proper noun which MANY do not understand. For example French-Canadian, you would never call a Parisian moving to Toronto a French-Canadian, as the true French-Canadian's ancestry goes back to the 17th and 18th century settlers from France to Canada.
Same with people who call themselves "Cape-Dutch" in Capetown South Africa. Most of them have never been anywhere near the Netherlands, yet still identify as "Dutch". Whereas a person from the Netherlands today can't just move to Capetown and call themselves Cape-Dutch, as they represent a specific Boar/Afrikanner heritage that's been there for centuries.
So this is why I will continue to argue that AAs need go by