African / AA Martial arts and fighters


May 3, 2012
Run Thru U Like Skattebo

yes yeah u jogged my memory.. and i think it was mother dear... but I'm not sure. But one of these days imma research.

He has maddd stories about him, and most of them are from eye witnesses .............. some are from :snoop:victims, lol.

eitherway, i guess he was a beast.
yeah, it was some kind of "mother". they said he was a tall, lanky lightskinned bisexual psycho who mastered the art and made the finishing touches that you see in modern NY 52 block demonstrations. im guessing he was locked up in the late 70s to mid 80s maybe...

those victims are brave, i would not be admitting to shyt, LOL

i first heard of 52 from listening to GZA on "cold world"

beat n1ggas toothles
physically cut up like gooses
but with iron on the side
thugs took no excuses
therefore, your 52 hand blocks was useless


Nov 12, 2012
The Forest Where Hope Died
Damn I didn't know about this 52 block style..

Pulled this from another site

Yo BT! Welcome to Care to comment on the skull and crossbones thread?

Well in my opinion most of these on guys on youtube don't look much like the old timers. Their flow is different and in the old days it was all hands on. No gear. A few solo drills and get it on with any and everybody you could. You learned as you went along.

The 52's was never that widespread.
Even back in the days many just imitated what they saw. The ones who really knew it were Rare. Ok being you ask I going to drop the real 411 about the 52 blocks. I grow up around that shyt and in my honest opinion a lot of what some of these cats on the youtube are performing is not the real method, they just doing bit and parts of the 52Ò€ℒs. And most of all the 52s did not come from any Africa as I hear some of these cats are proclaiming.

In my teens I use to hang out with a lot of five percenters that was very good with 52 blocks. Many of these individuals was from Jamiaca Queens that learn the style when they was in Rickersland from this cat that was called mother dear. This brother mother dear I was told was gay, but he was a killer with the 52 blocks because he was the individual that invented the style a GAY GUY!

From what I was told when a new jack come, if mother dear like him, that new jack had to freely give it up, or get ROCK" THE HARD WAY. Not many cats from brooklyn want to talk about these facts and truth about the true oriqinator of the style was a ass taker of this Jailhouse rock style!

Most older cats that had been too jail and been in some shyt on the streets will tell you. that back in the days many of the brothers that learn the real 52 blocks got rock first,(got they ass hit from behind) by this big cat name mother dear!

They never tell you that because many back then had to keep playing
the hardcore roll, if brother on the outside knew that got punk, (rape) they knew that get no respect. Soon a brother get free out of jail and back in the streets in their urban community if if found out they got punk, they most likely get beat down bad, and god help you
if you was a God! (five percenter)

Many brothers in the hoods know mother dear was the true oriqinator of the 52 jailhouse fighting style. Many Gods use to tell me this cat mother dear was so nice with the 52
style that he could catch a person jab or punch and kiss the shyt and at the same time counterattack. The tale that been running around for years of mother dear down fall in the hoods of NYC, is a New Jack terrified that mother dear was going to try and rape him bum rush mother dear out of fear while he was standing near a jail high balcony and
mother dear fall to his death!

Now as for the 52 blocks styles of Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx... these three NYC areas in my opinion and from the many brothers that Sifu
Rudy had me fight against to compare my skills with these cats, was
where the 52 style was best known on the streets for kicking
ass and beat downs!

Brooklyn cats was known for they aggressive fast crazy wild
attacks, these cats were mostly face hunters, always throwing wild blows to
the face trying to knock a person out, and most time they did, because of they fast aggressive attack. Many brothers from queens didn't like Brooklyn cats, because they was the kind of people that if you beat one of they boys in a one on one fight in they hood,
they still jump your ass!

Queens Cats that was nice with the 52 blocks was these four five
percenters by the name, Justice, born God, Life, and understanding.
Queens NY 52 blocks practitioners utilize more strategy, generally
they were more of counter fighters, they like to evade,
redirect and catch they opponents off balance then finish they opponent.
Queens cats were more of show men, when a queens cat fought using
the 52 style that like to look good kicking your ass, and some queens NY
cats was so nice with they hands that they would talk shyt at the
same time kicking your ass.

The best 52 fighter I saw was this brother name Justice, I say
justice because I saw him beat down many Brooklyn cats that claim
to be nice with the 52 blocks as well I saw him beat down many martial
artist. You see these fights back then help me realize and learned about the mindset of hard-core fighting and the reality of real fighting. to the point that looking at justice beat down so many people open my eyes to see real fighting is truly unpredictable and
you have to learn how to change to circumstances. If you don't learn how to change your techniques in a fight fast and quick, you learn the hard way that fighting slow and unrealistic methods can be very painful and dangerous to your health or your life. LOL This is one
reason why I train my Ba Gua zhang realistic as hell!

Bronx 52 style in my opinion were more kickers, sweeps and street style
grappling. I say this because every God I saw and met from the Bronx that
fought using the 52 always try to apply low kicks to attack the legs of they opponent. I think the Bronx 52 style use they legs more because of all the hills they have to walk up in that area. In conclusion I can write a book of all the brothers I met in my younger years that was good at the 52 Style. The truth of the matter in my opinion the 52 style did not come from Africa or even Brooklyn NY. It truly stated in Rikersland jail with Mother dear! Mother dear is like theTung Hai Chuan of the 52 blocks style. Later on when cats got out
of jail many from different neighborhood community stated to add they
own style characteristics to the 52 styles, a lot of this
influencese also came from brothers that knew the 52 style, taking moves from
the two Chinese shaw brothers movies MASTER KILLER AND MASTER KILLER
(TheThirty sixth Chamber) starting Gordon Liu. Most of the 52 blocks techniques believe it or not have a lot of martial techniques taking from these two Gordon Liu movies, and a
lot of Gods later put they own fighting mindset and gangster style fighting influence to they 52 blocks style. When you get time rent Master Killer and also The Thirty sixth Chamber and you see just what I'm talking about.

Back in the days all the five percenters use to love to look at Gordon Liu Kung Fu movies, and Gordon Liu first movie Master Killer was the top of the list for the Gods. The reason was because of the knowledge the monks would drop in these movies. Thus later the five percenters come with they own Mathematics of knowledge of self and the world!

I truly believe the five percenters got most of they stuff from these two movies as well a few other shaolin shaw brothers kung fu movies that was dealing with not just fighting but seeking knowledge of self and the code of WuDe. And there was a lot of kung fu movies out around doing that time when the 52 style was invented, displaying the martial arts training process from beginning to end.

I was told by my brother Carl who been in and out of jail a few times,
who one of my Kung Fu teachers Sifu Rudy Curry Jr, can tell you was one of jamiaica Queens most fear street fighter and knew 52 style as well, they use to play nothing
but kung fu moves. Most of the inmates was five percenters. Believe me when I tell you I know of many brothers that want to jail with they famly giving name, and later came out Gods.(five percenter) Females that wanted to be Gods with be called earths.(Queens) And I saw some good hardcode thug out woman fighters too, that was good with the
52 style.

I one time saw this girl that was nice with her hands that beat the shyt out of this brother because he didn't know the days Mathematics. You see the Gods and Earths had they own Mathematics. (knowledge of self and the world) It was kind of like a Philosophy of life base on on some metaphysical stuff, science, literature, geography, biology, earth science, algebra, and geometry.

The bottom line in the hood if one claim to call themself God, they had better know they shyt! Individuals in the hood could not just call themself God or Earth and be dumb! These Gods in Earths were like the neighborhood philosophers and to be known as an God or
earth mean you got mad respect in your neighborhood as well other hoods
in NYC.

But the down fall was you better know your Mathematics if you claim to be God, it didn't
matter what hood you was from, if you didn't know your Mathematics, then you would get challenge to fight hand to hand combat, that when the 52 style would come in to play because of your poor understanding of the days Mathematics.

You see the Gods and Earth had a different Mathematic for each day
of the week, and if you didn't know the right Mathematics for that day then one of the gods or earth would challenge to fight you right on the street!

You can be walking with your girl, and you may walk pass a God,
that knows you are a five percenter,and they walk up to you and say: GOD
WHAT'S TODAYS MATHEMATICS? If you know the Mathematics for that
day, they give you big time respect, but if you didn't most likely you would get beat down. Man I tell you shyt was crazy back in the days. LOL



Jun 4, 2012
Many Gods use to tell me this cat mother dear was so nice with the 52
style that he could catch a person jab or punch and kiss the shyt and at the same time counterattack.



Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
Capoeira Angola

Capoeira Angola has its roots in Bantu tradition and was used by the enslaved Africans of Brazil as a form of revolution. In keeping with African war strategies, Capoeiristas masked the art's effectiveness from plantation overseers. Then and today, to uninformed onlookers the art appeared to be a harmless demonstration of dance, acrobatics, play and music.

The ideal of Capoeira Angola is to maintain Capoeira as close to its roots as possible. Characterized by being strategic, with sneaking movements executed standing or near the floor depending on the situation to face, it values the traditions of malΓ­cia, malandragem and unpredictability of the original Capoeira.

Capoeira is a fast and versatile martial art which is historically focused on fighting outnumbered or in technological disadvantage.

The ginga (literally: rocking back and forth; to swing) is the fundamental movement in capoeira, important both for attack and defense purposes. It has two main objectives. One is to keep the capoeirista in a state of constant motion, preventing him or her from being a still and easy target. The other, using also fakes and feints, is to mislead, fool, trick the opponent, leaving them open for an attack or a counter-attack.
you got actual real videos/pics of the fighting styles?


Oct 22, 2014
"Ngolo there Ngandu mukila na", which means the strength of the crocodile is in its tail.
The first meaning is that we are impressed by the crocodile's jaw while his strength is in its tail. The hidden meaning of the proverb that Congo is the strength of a man is not in his muscles but he constructed his family and children.

The Ngolo - force or energy in Kikongo - is a war dance techniques after fighting with bare hands used by warriors of the ancient Kongo Kingdom "- (Gabon, Congo-Brazzaville, DR Congo, Angola and Cabinda) . The practice of weapons was called "blood" or dance of the sword. The Ngolo was also a ritual of initiation into the mysteries of life, particularly on ceremonies of passage to adulthood.

The Ngolo has a mythical origin, tradition says that the ancestor "NGOLA, son of Nzinga - mother original Kongo people - was a warrior blacksmith. A proverb says it in these terms: "Buila ngo, ka ngo vumina ko", which means it takes leopard and not feared point. By this act, it became the forerunner of this art. Another tradition tells us it's the enemy of NGOLA ancestor, which took the appearance of the leopard to attack. When NGOLA cutting the animal and its fur is, it expresses its domination over the forces of evil.

By this mythological episode, the son of Nzinga thus became the first king of Kongo. And all other legitimate sovereign was seen as the reincarnation of it.

In addition, the word "Ngolo" is to root - "Ngo" - leopard, and indeed the term "Ngo-lo" or "Ngo it" literally means "more powerful and stronger than the leopard." This is the real reason why the skin of the animal symbolizes the royal power at the Kongo for millennia. The art of N'Golo also draws on other animals, it is also known as "Fight goats" or "Dance of zebra."

Fighting techniques

Some movements Ngolo
"Tuluwa Lumbu ku"
This self-protective gesture of the utmost importance is to place the body in the royal enclosure (the Lumbu)

"Kanga Nitu"
"Close the body into an annuity head or focusing almost to the ground.
Being close to land to avoid a bad fall, because stability is enhanced.

Ducking movements including figures drop to the ground, often to launch a series of mowing.

The word technique applies to all blows with the foot.

"Your kins"
Scan, when the foot becomes a weapon to destabilize the opponent.

"Ngwindulu a ntu"
Literally: to strike with the head.
According to tradition, men have learned Ngwindulu observing the guys who fought off horns, so there is another term for this movement: Tuumba (Hitting with the horns.)



Oct 22, 2014
Moringue from Indian ocean (madagascare, Reunion, Comores island)
