yep, they sold out today in fact. aew sold this out with just a tease tho. no goldberg neededWWE always sells out shows in Chicago.
yep, they sold out today in fact. aew sold this out with just a tease tho. no goldberg neededWWE always sells out shows in Chicago.
I swear, marks/stooges have made this place so shytty. Was never like this years ago.![]()
yep, they sold out today in fact. aew sold this out with just a tease tho. no goldberg needed
i gotcha, i was just showing that even the RAW tonight in chicago sold out so what you said was rightI meant that Chicago is a wrestling town and not just AEW marks like the poster I replied to made it seem. There’s a reason both companies came to Chicago multiple times a year before the pandemic, and why it would be one of the major markets they’ll hit now that things are open.
These mark stooges always coming up with excuses.You can tell who don’t live in big cities that have events.
Ticket scalpers always scalp ticket and they still finna sell too
So do you think the show opens with Punk or do they deal with the chants for the whole hour?
So do you think the show opens with Punk or do they deal with the chants for the whole hour?
These mark stooges always coming up with excuses.
Scalping been going on for a long time.![]()
I used to work in the marketing department for an entertainment company.
We used to see scalping of our tickets ALL the time. Tried to fight it off as best as we could but shyt was what it was.
Either way, the tickets was still bout, money was made, and ultimately we still had SOLD OUT SHOWS.
But this still a weird angle to try to troll with now…… niccas really trying too hard and getting desperate![]()
Assuming you're going back and forth with Max, but anyone with a lick of common sense knows that it doesn't matter who buys the tickets, a sell out is a sell out.