Nope, I said they deserved the empty seats as karma for turning the WCW flagship ppv into a house show. Ya'll are the ones who keep moving the goalposts when it comes to AEW. If it's sold out with 10k ya'll take shots at the WWE, but if a 7k seat civic center is half empty then all of a sudden attendance doesn't matter.

AEW might need to just stay in Chicago since that's the only city they can draw a crowd.
Nope...... and still not true
Also when you say “y’all” you throwing shots at a broad stroke like ALL the so called AEW stans Speak the same message but on the flip side saying “I said” like you speak for all the WWE stans.
Both of that is flawed.
Also, I do agree about the goal post moving. But the way y’all do it is
interesting to say the least.
Like when they showed the pics of AEW with empty seats and no one in the ring but the announcer, from the look it it’s been pictures taking at AEW Dark which takes place before or after the main show. Similar to say the 205/Main Event pics which have been dismissed and no longer used as a weapon against your precious WWE cuz we all understand what it is.
People either haven’t shown up for the main show or after the main show ends a large group of the audience leaves cuz baby Becky’s & Lil Jimmy’s gotta get home and get to bed for school
But when pics are shown of an empty arena with say Becky Lynch, the biggest draw in the company, that’s something different cuz that’s captured at “prime time”
Those 2 scenarios don’t satisfy “THE LAWS OF EQUIVALENT EXCHANGE”