Are you just anti-wrestling or anti anything associated with AEW?
WWE will prob try to copy it with MLW
Jacob Fatu vs Roman
WWE will prob try to copy it with MLW
Jacob Fatu vs Roman
as long as it leads to a NJPW crossover
The extent WWE will ever go to working with any other company will be to use them as a developmental system or library content for the network(ala Evolve and Progress). There will never be a equal partnership because they would rather be looked at as a monopoly and not have other companies look like they are on the same level and probably see it benefitting other companies more than it benefits them. We ain't getting Jacob vs Roman till 2025WWE will prob try to copy it with MLW
Jacob Fatu vs Roman
Isn't NJPW having Impact stars in their Super J Cup tournament and advertising them with the Impact logo?On one hand, NJPW has a new President who might be open to NJPW working with other promotions outside of ROH. On the other hand, there could still be bad blood between Anthem and NJPW over Anthem buying AXS TV and saying the only way we keep NJPW on our network is if you work with Impact. Also they have a NJPW America promotion that had plans to run shows in 2020 prior to COVID. As much as people want to see cross promotion with NJPW, I wouldn't hold my breath.
The extent WWE will ever go to working with any other company will be to use them as a developmental system or library content for the network(ala Evolve and Progress). There will never be a equal partnership because they would rather be looked at as a monopoly and not have other companies look like they are on the same level and probably see it benefitting other companies more than it benefits them. We ain't getting Jacob vs Roman till 2025![]()
There's also the fact that (at least on air), they don't acknowledge other promotions even exist. Other than Sami Zayn saying AEW in a promo (which was off the cuff), I think the last time anything said about another promotion on air was when AJ Styles debuted.