Meltzer on what he thinks about AEW’s new 3 year TV deal with TNT
“They [AEW] clearly have the momentum now. It doesn't matter anymore in a sense when they signed that TV deal... ya'know if you get complacent in this business you'll lose and all that. But when they signed that deal, honestly when they signed deal on Wednesday morning, it was kinda like (and it's not like the war is over, but) Vince failed. He failed.
The whole idea was to drive their number down and make them weak and make them go away. And they ain't going away. Say whatever you want, but the battle plan, why all of this happened, was not just to win but to drive them down so they could not get significant money when their contract was up. Not only did they not have to wait a couple of years for the contract to be up, they're getting the number now. They are going to be a success now.
It's interesting because the whole NXT is Paul Levesque's thing. And it's very well-received by the hardcore fan. And hey, I like NXT almost every week.
There's also weaknesses. And the reality of NXT is that they are not capturing younger viewers. This week was very low and the week before was very low. They are not capturing the younger viewers. And no matter what you say, this is the Paul Levesque track record of the guy who's going to take over and all that. And in the long run, you got to get those young viewers. You don't want to be horse-racing and you don't want to be boxing, especially when your competition is getting the young viewers.
I thought this was going to be this thing where we're going in there for two years or year-and-a-half mark, and if the numbers were good they'd get either a good TV deal or a bad deal, perhaps they even get cancelled, perhaps they get a great deal. But we didn't have to wait a year-and-a-half to reach that point. In three months they got a deal. Maybe they signed a lower deal then they could have gotten, but they got the vote of confidence. Everybody who said that they were gonna go out of business, they're not. They're gonna fail? They didn't fail. I think that might've been part of the whole thing. They're here for the long haul, they're gonna have money, and they're the number two company in the world. That TV deal all by itself grosses more than New Japan grosses from everything. New Japan was number two, so financially, they're number two, right now, three months into their TV run.”