
Oct 11, 2012


Apr 10, 2015



breh I'm actually really glad you don't support Impact anymore over their racist shyt. Welcome to the NEW best alternative to WWE. RIP Kobe, I hope you get over it soon.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
breh I'm actually really glad you don't support Impact anymore over their racist shyt. Welcome to the NEW best alternative to WWE. RIP Kobe, I hope you get over it soon.

glad you can still be a good sport in all this

as far as getting over sumfin.
you do. Ot get over anything, grow or you break.
I have experienced death on a level I do not wish on others. Which is why this kobe death was So shocking to me. As realistically i really do not want anyone else to her to process grief of such magnitude before a natural death cause. as death abruptly can shock you and make you a broken toy for a length of time considering the connection. Luckily god works in his mysterious way and in that mysterious way. God prepares you for the next chapter if you are strong enough to employ the meaning of my real namesake. Or faith.
so with faith I hope, everyone grows.

in growth, and the mysterious way.
I have grown to let grieving occur and i know the growth will occur. As i have had to grow from deaths on a level no one really or typically can singularly relate. yet i have learned in death you get growth and malleability.
that prepares you to aid others who have Not endured.
and, or now have to endure.

now everyone has to endure.
I think about my bestfriend who is the best fan of Michael Jordan and kobe bryant ever. I do not talk about him much because his son was killed. Yet for years no one spoke to me because my whole host of friends were killed. Including my gf in the teen years. So now we relate more as adults because i have an idea of where he is. Yet his period of reclusivity after his son was killed. showed me that my period of reclusivity or disconnect was and still is normal.
given the circumstances.

so in that and this new period of growth.
we can all gain some perspective.
plus respect everyone period of growth outside of death to sports.
as kobe showed us, going to be better is good.
working exclusively is a skill and good.
showcasing you are the best and working at it is good.

now to move forward to thr impact.

oh impact.
you sure fukked it up.

not sure why in the fukk...
impact would not have sami destroy Tessa anyway.
as it is the correct booking decision.
if awesome kong never got the title.
how the fukk are you ever going to put the strap on Blanchard.

Plus stop this glorious run by Callahan.

Tessa getting the belt feels like a woman playing JEFF JARRETT. Before we even get to me dealing with the Blanchard racist shyt.

aew is not above this shyt either.
by having that self emasculated self medically liable protected castrated male run around in a wig.
Plus the other emasculated physical castrated other shim as well.

this whole go back to the seedy side of when downtown hd xx rated sections is dead.

even the whole...oh it's cable thing is dead, too.
as real talk, we need to kill all the fake androgynous rights like it is civil rights shyt.
as it is allowing gateway pedophile.
except with words like transexual or crossdresser.
wrasslin is not synomous with porn in the service section.

why aew would even license this shyt.
plus with Brandi Rhodes being black..
also sheds light on where her nationalism is.
as no fully responsible black nationalist welled and based woman is allowing that shyt on her watch.

props on the post.
also,...what makes you think i do not know who or what aew is. When you say welcome to the best alternative to the wwe.

I've known more about indy wrasslin than this whole board.
plus, one of the guys who wrote the rants as well.
plus termed the indy hero's who saved wrasslin.
of which i helped win this war, sir.

form your post it sounds like you are new to this.

I am not new to aew.
nor any domestic,....indy guy of note.

now a lucha here, a japan upstart or uk guy...
I may not give a shyt because their matches sometimes offer no domestic gateway character arc or note.

to drive me to want to focus major interest on the promotions. Plus at this point.
I know another aj styles is never walking through that door.
with the whole package right there, on the comeuppance stage in innnovative moveset to workrate and large arena speed as aj did.
so far as moving forward, tho.
I hope this forum and everyone can alleviate the shock of what has occurred to not just the Bryant family. Yet all of us across the world.
as we lost the one greatest apprentice and self appointed and successful protege the world may have ever known.
in wrasslin we will never fully get to celebrate the next best guy, for real. So I hope everyone comes to realize how special Michael Jordan is to us. Plus how special the idea of wanting to be the best could translate into someone we could watch show us what it took in dedication to get as close as humanly possible with the resources and drive could get. With that i hope everyone sees the dedication.
in others and respects the fact.
of that other person's drive to be the greatest.
plus factually their real accomplishments in a grassroots manner. That one day will hopefully garner the large public adoration kobe generated from that method of dedication.

Art Barr



Apr 10, 2015
props on the post.
also,...what makes you think i do not know who or what aew is. When you say welcome to the best alternative to the wwe.

I thought you were a longtime Impact stan, I'm saying is AEW becoming your number 1? If Impact wasn't or isn't it, who is?

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012

aew has had a number of great heel comeuppance's.
that this week was the final turn reveal of all turn's.
plus comeuppance again.

for none other than Britt baker...

I mean doctor Britt fukk'n c*nt bytch baker.

all cause for the last few weeks.
I was like what happened to the dope heel laurel van stuff.
then i thought.
maybe she is just a part timer and to involved with her profession.
is this inning trash heel finish and sandbag inribg workrate and also loss of ring speed real or a fukk'n work.


every week questions.
am i watching a female outside the attitude era inhouse wwe evolved tna hof knockout character worker of all time literally lose a step.
plus passion...

when she pulled the shyt on,....the Starbucks worker.

I was disgusted.

till the point, of almost ranting last week.
on how trash she has gotten.
I was like she is on a ranger cruise.

why would she want a whole cruiseliner.
to not like this character.
is the brilliance level of laurel van working us...or is this Britt baker character?
completely a regression and she is just a fukk'n dentist now.
that just needs to remove plaque for a living full time.

I said i gotta be getting worked.
to the point of disgust.

let's give it a bit more till this reveal.

well hot damn,...
if this doctor Britt dentist birch c*nt did not fukk'm follow up and fukk'n deliver the long con swerve cot damn it.

yo five stars.

laurel van turned doctor Britt fukk'n bytch c*nt md.

this bytch has arrived again.

make an appointment.

sheezus Christ.

art barr

dr laurel van Britt baker = dat's a fukk'n worker.
girl has it.

put her on the tv.
leave her alone and just let her go.

strap her up., hot damn it.

we need her and Kong for the eventual title.
book it.

are you peep'n.
this is a heel.

art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012

aew has had a number of great heel comeuppance's.
that this week was the final turn reveal of all turn's.
plus comeuppance again.

for none other than Britt baker...

I mean doctor Britt fukk'n c*nt bytch baker.

all cause for the last few weeks.
I was like what happened to the dope heel laurel van stuff.
then i thought.
maybe she is just a part timer and to involved with her profession.
While not being laurel van at all?
is this inning trash heel finish and sandbag inribg workrate and also loss of ring speed real or a fukk'n work.


every week questions.
am i watching a female outside the attitude era inhouse wwe evolved tna hof knockout character worker of all time literally lose a step.
plus passion...

when she pulled the shyt on,....the Starbucks worker.

I was disgusted.

till the point, of almost ranting last week.
on how trash she has gotten.
I was like she is on a ranger cruise.

why would she want a whole cruiseliner.
to not like this character.
is the brilliance level of laurel van working us...or is this Britt baker character?
completely a regression and she is just a fukk'n dentist now.
that just needs to remove plaque for a living full time.

I said i gotta be getting worked.
to the point of disgust.

let's give it a bit more till this reveal.

well hot damn,...
if this doctor Britt dentist birch c*nt did not fukk'm follow up and fukk'n deliver the long con swerve cot damn it.

yo five stars.

laurel van turned doctor Britt fukk'n bytch c*nt md.

this bytch has arrived again.

make an appointment.

sheezus Christ.

art barr

dr laurel van Britt baker = dat's a fukk'n worker.
girl has it.

put her on the tv.
leave her alone and just let her go.

strap her up., hot damn it.

we need her and Kong for the eventual title.
book it.

I will be ranting britt baker and thunda rosa.

I had to reup my comments on her.
As i started to do more research and finalize after reading my original take without anything there. besides the period before kenny gets the belt on aew. To really start to rant aew. As real talk...this is the reign we should have gotten in japan way.
before kenny had to job so many times.
to even get the strap from ort-kada or job to cena-roshi in the first place.
Well just because njpw.

Now we have a domestic promotion. where we can see someone get the strap.
where it makes sense in the pocket to get it hopefully.
Now i can get back to ranting matches. Without the same cliche endgame.
as previously from the big two wwe and njpw.

Now we have a promotion that starts from the best gateway point for a noob into indie wrasslin. I can get back to rant'n and condense all the previous commentwry of the monopoly domestically and afar into one fell swoop. Then discuss matches.
without the political bs behind goblin-ism and indie heros who saved wrasslin and such. Driving a wedge into the quality and rating system as well.
As we now have a six star rating. That encompasses the neutered to shoot style workrate of the monopoly of rhe domestic and internationally.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Art Barr